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How To Create a Glossary and Why Do You Need One?

Essential tools for project success

Yulia Kosarenko
Business, Architected
3 min readOct 21, 2023


Image by the author

Have you ever faced ambiguity when eliciting and analyzing requirements?

Had two stakeholders in the room that seemed to mean different things when using the same word?

Discovered a defect that traced back to a misunderstanding of a business term?

Encountered metrics that mean different things to different people?

Could it be because there was no business glossary document?

A glossary is a list of business terms and acronyms with their definitions.

It supports a common understanding of terms, concepts, and metrics.

Ideally, it exists at the enterprise level and is shared across all divisions and projects. A glossary is one of the foundational artifacts of data governance that helps maintain consistent definitions of data.

Sometimes, you discover that no enterprise glossary exists.

You start business analysis on a new project and discover that everyone is all over the place with the terms. Different departments use their own acronyms that confuse others, and the same terms mean different things to different people.



Yulia Kosarenko
Business, Architected

Democratizer of business analysis & architecture. Diagram lover. Solopreneur on a journey. Write to help; consult to get things done. 🇨🇦 🇺🇦