How to Do Your Best with a Business Analyst Mindset

Twelve principles to take you from competency to excellence

Yulia Kosarenko
Business, Architected
5 min readFeb 24, 2020


Photo by Adonyi Gábor form PxHere

What makes a business analyst exceptional? Is it proficiency in business process modeling and analysis techniques? Is it the knowledge of the latest technologies?

While these are important, another factor plays a crucial role in implementing successful business changes. I will call it the business analyst mindset.

Business analysis is a critical competency required to define, plan and implement business changes. Much has been written about business analysis tools and techniques, modeling notations and requirements capturing methodologies. There is a wide choice of business analysis training courses on the market. Formal certifications are offered to assess the level of knowledge and experience in the field.

Yet, despite all the training and resources, many organizations struggle with projects and cite requirements quality and requirements gaps as top reasons for project delays and failures.

Here are some business analysis challenges that represent key project risks:

  • Alignment of the executive support of business changes (including funding) with business strategy
  • Ability to consider the long-term impacts of…



Yulia Kosarenko
Business, Architected

Democratizer of business analysis & architecture. Diagram lover. Solopreneur on a journey. Write to help; consult to get things done. 🇨🇦 🇺🇦