The Privilege of Writing on Medium

Robbie Newport
Business and Society Articles
4 min readDec 30, 2022


Maybe this is a perspective only older people can relate to.

Photo by Laura Rivera on Unsplash

When I was in high school in the mid-90s, I used a typewriter to accomplish my essay assignments that needed to be typed. This really wasn’t that long ago, yet how things have changed.

Part of this change is people’s perspectives when it comes to being entitled to write online. Not only do they now expect to be published on sites like Medium, but also make money. And if the money isn’t enough for them to make a living they are critical of the entire platform, like it owes them something.

I realize writers need to make money to live, so write a book or submit articles to magazines and other paying publications. Sign a book deal with a publishing house or self-publish, etc.

There are so many different ways to make money writing now; the difficult part is everyone else is doing it too, which makes it hard to stand out and find an audience.

Even on Medium, the competition is thick with so many different types of people trying to vie for attention for so many different reasons. Some are writers, some are marketers, and some are just trying to make money and be digital nomads.

Whatever the case, writers should consider it a privilege to write on Medium and online in general. If you can make any money…

