Plantagon is CSR 7.5… or something like that.

Hans Hassle
Business As Usual Is Over
3 min readOct 30, 2015

A Companization will work with a successful company and a non-profit side that is economically strong enough. Now, after starting up Plantagon being the commercial innovation world leader for urban agriculture, we need to focus on recruiting thousands of members to create the world’s most influential Corporate Citizenship movement. We need to really kick off our non-profit side to prove our socio-economic concept!

In a Companization, owners and members elect two boards (one for the company, one for the association) that are responsible to finance and organize the development.

Let´s say two years from now; hired personnel should perform the also the association’s work. To get there, we need members as supporters. Please don't make this more complicated than it is: Being a member of Plantagon is like buying something from a brand who’s values you support. The huge difference between an ordinary brand and Plantagon though, is that you can engage to have influence. Real power.

Plantagon is not a new kind of non-profit organization that focuses on social community. No, Plantagon is a new kind of profit-driven organization that has its focus on the commercial side but democratizing its governance, giving the members responsibilities but indeed also rights. We give you the impact of an owner without you having to invest in the company.

At this stage of development your main objective, in case you engage with us, should be to support us during our up-build. You can use your membership as a concrete example of making a stand for what you believe in: Business as Usual is Over.

Like any other non-profit organization we have to recruit members and sponsorships to build up our economy. And, The Closure Right inspiring people to pay ten years membership fee in advance is what we invented to help speed up this economical development.

Please tell your friends about this legacy investment! Now!

Let’s dream. In five years, being 100 000 members holding Closure Rights:

· We have the financial strength to be the internationally most influential non-profit association on Corporate Citizenship.

· We launch more and more innovations for sustainability using our own money to seed finance the start-ups.

· Our urban agriculture business is mature and giving us dividends.

· By existence we show the world that sharing and responsibility created, and keeps creating, sustainable and profitable business.

Then we would have a serious positive impact on how to use entrepreneurship, money and companies to create common good.

P.S. Already we got lots of things done within the Plantagon non-profit activities, by getting help from our company and its partners: Initiating the Global Urban Agriculture Summit ( so far arranged in Washington DC 2011, Linköping Sweden 2013 and Bonn 2014), we initiated a seminar in the European Parliament ( and the worlds first standardization work for sustainable food production in cities ( D.S.



Hans Hassle
Business As Usual Is Over

Founder & Moderator at the think-tank-like innovation agency SEEKING THE OBVIOUS®