The world’s first definitely worthless share, or a share with another perspective?

Hans Hassle
Business As Usual Is Over
3 min readMar 13, 2015


A Closure Right, or “Generation Share”, is a socio-economic innovation that we have created to stimulate three crucial conditions for what we want to achieve at Plantagon. It took us six months to get it registered by the Swedish tax authorities, as it became a share with a value that cannot be taxed. It challenges exclusivity and shortsightedness in capitalism.

With the Closure Right innovation we hope to stimulate the development of an owner of our company with a long-term perspective working towards a more inclusive capitalism. And you can be part of this.

Getting awards like the Red Herring Global 100 — what’s all the buzz going on about this “Generation Share” or Closure Right about..? Well, let’s quote our non-profit Statutes:

§21 Right to compensation in the event of the sale of the Company, so-called Closure Right.

The person who pays a sum to the Organization equivalent to 10 times the membership fee shall gain membership for 10 years time and an irrevocable gift in the form of a future right to participate in the distribution of the Organization’s proceeds for the sale of 100% of the Company, a so-called Closure Right.

In the event of the sale of 100% of the Company, the yield from the organization’s shares shall be divided in equal parts between those persons who are holders of valid Closure Rights.

For the Closure Right to be valid and give the right to compensation, it should be statutorily transferred and held by an individual of a subsequent and earliest seventh generation after the first recipient who received the Closure Right as a gift from the Organization.”

That means, for the Closure Right to give the right to compensation, it should be transferred and held by an individual who is at the earliest the seventh generation after the first recipient who received the Closure Right as a gift for helping us start this movement.

Part of your legacy. For approximately USD 100.


“The founder of capitalism” Adam Smith believed that our social drives stem from an unhealthy admiration toward wealth and power, but that we still allow the systems that we are part of to be developed by an incentives model that affirms precisely wealth and power.

The privileged do not want to risk their career, salary, and influence while the less privileged have roughly just enough to nullify the desire for real struggle toward greater justice. The absence of respect for wisdom and virtue is something we all choose to live with.

Such a society slowly erodes away. No one survives meaninglessness, and we are approaching a breaking point where material growth must meet existential growth.

So, in Plantagon we introduce this symbolic idea of the Generation Share. If we sustain, if we survive, it will actually represent a very high value. And you can get one just by helping us out a little bit in our fight against greed.

What the Closure Right brings is the following:

· Early revenue for our non-profit side. Being a hybrid between for profit and non-profit the companization needs a strong non-profit branch that can singlehandedly run its operation without being dependent on the company.

· An individual, economic incentive for the non-profit’s members to safeguard the company’s economic growth.

Today you pay USD 100 for a ten-year membership, and you get a Closure Right as a gift. The leading IP firm in Sweden, Groth estimates the value to be USD 85 at this stage. If we succeed it will of course grow in value. Very much. In any case, your legacy will be that you believed in the Plantagon fight against greed.

So get one. Not for the cash, but for the dream we share.

Join the world’s first companization!

Plantagon is the first companization in the world — and the global innovation leader in urban agriculture. You can join Plantagon today and be a part of shaping the future. Read more here!



Hans Hassle
Business As Usual Is Over

Founder & Moderator at the think-tank-like innovation agency SEEKING THE OBVIOUS®