Get Paid to Be Social: How to Make Money on Social Media

Make a little extra money by doing what you like.

Duane Michael
Business Beginnings
6 min readMay 11, 2022


How to make money from social media
Photo by Christopher Gower on Unsplash

There are a lot of ways to make money online, but they’re not all as easy as they seem. Affiliate marketing, blogging and dropshipping all seem like great ways to earn an income while working from home, but the earning potential can be severely limited if you’re not willing to put in the hard work and develop your skills to an advanced level.

Fortunately, there are several different ways to monetize your social media presence, so you don’t have to sacrifice your sanity by obsessively posting on multiple platforms every single day just to get by.

Why should you get paid?

Getting paid for your social media activities may seem like a pipe dream, but it’s not. If you’ve got an active following on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat, there are many ways you can get paid to use them.

It’s never been easier to make money online by sharing your life and experiences with friends and strangers alike and businesses are taking notice. More than one million websites have integrated programs that allow you to earn cash or rewards just for interacting with businesses online.

As more people embrace online sharing of personal experiences and marketers realize they’re missing out by not participating in these social conversations, paid opportunities will continue to grow exponentially.

Which platforms are worth your time?

The number of people who use social media every day is astounding, especially when it accounts for nearly half of the world population and continues to grow exponentially. Social media sites are expected to have 3.96 billion users by 2022, and device mobility has made them valuable tools for market entry. So, which social media platform is the most lucrative?

The most popular social media platforms, such as Facebook, are approaching 3 billion users, while Twitter and LinkedIn each have around 300 million. They all give you the opportunity to earn money, but which social media platform pays the most?

Start with YouTube

There are numerous ways to make money on social media platforms. Working with sponsored campaigns and brands is not the only way to profit from these platforms. Several platforms even compensate creators for their work.

The YouTube Shorts Fund is worth up to $100 million and will be paid out in the previous and current fiscal years. Anyone is eligible, and if your shorts are deemed unique by the community, you will be compensated.

This platform contacts and compensates creators who generate the most engagements and views each month. Users of this platform can arrange for shorts by following the rules that teach them how to use the platform.

Facebook has great earning potential

By providing support and tools to members who create communities on this platform, Facebook encourages the creation of content while also assisting them in diversifying their revenue sources. From branded content to in-stream advertisements, there are numerous ways to profit from this platform. There are also fan subscriptions and the ability to create groups.

Viewers can also monetize on Facebook if they have a dedicated business page, but the content of the page must comply with the company’s monetization rules. Earnings are determined by the advertiser, subscription funding, and the number of views on the video.

Post Consistently

If you’re not going to post every day, aim for posting at least 3 times a week. Studies have shown that consistency is key. The more often your post, and interact with your audience in other ways (podcasts, videos, etc), then people will be more likely to keep coming back.

Keep in mind that it takes time and effort to build up an engaged following so don’t give up too soon! If you find yourself struggling or stressed out when it comes to sharing your thoughts online, reach out and ask someone for help (family/friends/co-workers).

It can feel embarrassing at first but most of us are happy to share what we know if we think it might help you succeed. Just ask! 🙂

Connect with Brands and Influencers

Brands and influencers alike are looking for ways to stand out in a crowded social media world. Influencers have already made names for themselves and brands want a piece of that fame.

That makes it easier than ever before for celebrities, thought leaders, journalists, and even regular folks with huge social followings (i.e., huge potential audiences) to make money by posting branded content on their platforms. But creating branded content doesn’t mean you have to compromise your values or risk losing your followers’ trust.

To learn how to read up on successful sponsored social posts or keep an eye out for brands promoting themselves via native advertising. You might be surprised at what kinds of sponsorships are available and at how little money you have to spend.

Set up an Advertising Account

When it comes to making money online, most of us start with social media platforms — like Facebook and Twitter. The first step is to set up an advertising account, which is pretty straightforward. Just visit Facebook’s Business Center, Twitter’s ad platform, or LinkedIn and sign in using your personal information.

You’ll be asked if you want your Page/account connected with a preexisting company account or if you want to create a new account (if you’re working solo).

Either way, once you’ve established your business identity, we recommend connecting it with a payment option; PayPal and Stripe are two solid options that allow for quick setup. Then all you need is your bank information so they can transfer funds from customers easily.

Use Hashtags

Hashtags are an easy way to connect with a large community of people, especially when you’re first getting started. Since so many people use them, using hashtags will increase your visibility and help you find relevant contacts in your industry.

You can also get paid for using hashtags by companies like Soldsie, which pays social media influencers based on how much engagement they get from their posts. Just remember that if you want to take advantage of a money-making opportunity like this one, it’s wise not just to use any hashtag and boost your post with any old group, be strategic and make sure your content resonates within the right communities.

How much money I can make from social media?

A lot. According to a study by Share Rocket, over 78% of social media users say they’re more likely to buy from brands they follow on social media. And while most people make money through free social media (i.e., Twitter, Facebook, Instagram), several platforms actually pay you for using them.

Using these sites isn’t too much different than working a traditional job, except for two big differences: First, you can set your own hours. Second, how much money you make is completely up to you.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to making money with social media, keep in mind that social currency is king. When you take time to share, like, and comment on others’ posts, your followers are far more likely to do so for you. It all feeds into a virtuous cycle that can have you getting paid from major brands in no time at all.

But if that feels too cold and calculated for your tastes (or feels too much like hard work), remember that earning brand exposure is another great way to promote your products or services using social media.

If there are certain brands or topics you feel comfortable promoting, why not put a call out asking followers if they have any questions? Even offering an incentive like a discount to your most engaged fans can help increase conversions when properly executed. Good luck.

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Duane Michael — Author



Duane Michael
Business Beginnings

I am a creative visionary and storyteller, weaving my dreams into words. It is my goal that you will enjoy my words. 😊