What Freelance Jobs are in Demand

Is Freelancing Worth Your Time?

Duane Michael
Business Beginnings
5 min readApr 11, 2022


Is Freelancing Worth Your Time?
Photo by Faizur Rehman on Unsplash

If you’re considering freelancing as a way to earn money on the side, or if you’re looking for freelance jobs that can fill in gaps in your employment, this list of freelance jobs and careers will give you plenty of options to choose from.

Some of these skills might be something you already know how to do, and other jobs could be completely new to you.

Either way, take some time to explore your options and start learning about how to become a freelancer if that’s something you want to do.

What Is a Freelance Job?

Freelancing is a term that refers to work done outside of a standard 9 to 5 working arrangement. You may already know freelancers from creative fields like writing and design, but technology has made it easier than ever for those with any type of skill to earn money on their terms.

Even if you don’t have the expertise, it might be possible to do freelance work in an industry related to your career, for example, a marketing strategist who wishes they could do graphic design may begin by offering to help out on an existing project.

Additionally, you can supplement your income as a freelancer by taking part-time jobs at local businesses while retaining full-time employment elsewhere.

Just remember not to let freelance work take over your life!

Top Freelancing Jobs In 2022

Projections show that freelance jobs are in demand, and by 2022, freelancers will make up almost half of all American workers. Moreover, companies now expect nearly 80% of their workforce to be freelance by 2020.

By then, it’s projected that three-quarters of us will be working as freelancers at some point during our careers, so if you’re thinking about doing so but don’t know where to start or what types of projects to pursue.

In addition to having an independent work schedule and a more entrepreneurial style of income generation, most freelancers say they choose to work for themselves because they enjoy independence from a corporate environment and having control over how their time is spent.

Others may have been laid off or fired from their previous position and decided to take matters into their own hands. Whatever your reasons may be, here are 9 of the best freelance jobs available today:

Writer (magazine articles, blogs, web content)
Photographer (weddings, family photos)
Tutor (English/reading/math)
Accountant (taxes/bookkeeping)
Virtual Assistant (website management/answering emails)
Marketing Specialist (advertising/social media campaigns)
Editor (blog posts/articles for publication)
Coder (web development and maintenance tasks like programming apps or sites).
Artist (drawing pictures for websites or business cards).

The thing about freelance jobs is that there’s something out there for everyone whether you’re skilled with words, numbers, technology, or even art!

How Do I Start Freelancing?

Getting freelance work is not easy. What do you do to get a project? Where do you start? How do you land your first client? How will clients find you?

All these questions and more come with starting a freelance business. I have been a freelancer for almost 5 years now, so I think it’s about time that I shed some light on all things freelancing. How about we just get started?

The best way to start getting freelance jobs is by making sure that you know what type of job or projects you want to focus on. For example, if you love writing code, then there’s no point trying to make money from writing copy (you could write copy but it would be pointless because your skills aren’t suited).

To make sure that people know what types of jobs/projects they can hire you for, create a portfolio of your past work! By doing so, potential clients can see exactly what kind of job they can expect from hiring you!

What Is the Easiest Freelance Job?

One of, if not, my favorite freelance jobs is doing voice-over work. I love voice-over because it’s extremely flexible and can be done from anywhere. Some clients require a home studio but some don’t which means you can get started without having to spend money on space or equipment.

You can make between $50 — $100 an hour for doing a variety of different jobs including video game narration, movie trailers, business videos & more!

As long as you have a decent microphone & software there isn’t any cost involved with starting. Plus with all of these other job opportunities, it may be easier than you think to start making extra money from home!

How Much Can Freelancers Earn?

To understand which freelance jobs can make you a full-time income, we asked members of our freelance community. What do they tell us?

There’s some impressive earning potential! Our survey respondents told us that their median hourly rate is $36 (which translates to $73,400 per year if you work 40 hours per week) and that they typically spend 20–30 hours per week working on their jobs.

Here are 5 of the highest paying freelance jobs today:

Copywriter: On average, copywriters working on freelance writing jobs earn between $19 and $45 per hour.

Web Designer: Depending on your experience, it’s possible to earn between $15 and $30 per hour or more.

Digital Marketing Consultant: Average hourly rates for digital marketers range between $15 and $45, depending on various factors.

Social Media Manager: On average, you can expect to command a pay rate of $14 to $35 an hour via freelance platforms as a social media manager.

Editor: Average pay rates for copy/editing projects range between $20 and $40 per hour, depending on experience and other factors.

So while you might not be able to quit your day job, freelancing can pay off and it doesn’t take long to get started.

Freelancing Jobs Online

Starting a freelance business from scratch can be an intimidating task. However, there are many freelancing jobs online that you can complete without having to chase clients around and doing face to face meetings.

On Upwork, Fiverr, and other freelancing websites, you will find all kinds of freelance jobs where you can compete with thousands of other freelancers.

The good thing about these jobs is that they come to you, so there’s no need to waste time on marketing your services and finding out how to get more customers.

Final Thoughts

The freelance job market is a competitive one, with top talent selling for high prices. But myself as a veteran freelancer, I will tell you that there’s a lot of work out there if you know where to look.

You might be surprised by just how many opportunities there are, especially if you have skills that can be put to use on several different types of projects.

The key is knowing what those freelance jobs that tend to come up again and again are and then polishing your skills so that they match them perfectly.

Taking time to expand your skill-set now will help ensure that clients don’t pass you over when it comes time to pay and get paid. Hope this helps you.

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Duane Michael
Business Beginnings

I am a creative visionary and storyteller, weaving my dreams into words. It is my goal that you will enjoy my words. 😊