Announcing instant MTN delivery … plus better exports & more!

On the recent Ugandan presidential elections

We commend all Ugandans who exercised their democratic right by voting last week. During the election season, we saw the disruption of all mobile money services in the Uganda, along with various social media services. We thank our customers for handling the situation gracefully, and are glad to announce that access was restored over the weekend.

Instant MTN Delivery!

Last year Beyonic saw a 10x+ increase in mobile money deliveries. Due to this increase, many customers experienced delays in MTN mobile money delivery at peak hours.

We’ve been working tirelessly to increase the speed and reliability of our various delivery channels, and are glad to announce that our MTN channel was upgraded last week.

Starting immediately, you will experience significant increase in MTN mobile money delivery speed & reliability, and this will only get better as we continue to expand our capacity.

Thank you for your patience & understanding!

More flexible exports (Part 1)

During our customer feedback sessions over the course of the past year, one common request was ability to export payments at the batch level, not only the individual transaction level. We’re happy to announce that part 1 of this feature is now available!

On the payment list, you will see an Export button that will export all your payments as a csv file that you can analyze or import into your accounting system.

Captura de pantalla 2016-02-22 a la(s) 08.10.28

Over the next few weeks, we will be adding ability to select date ranges, add additional columns and also export contacts in a similar manner.


With Beyonic, there’s always more! With each upgrade, we fix bugs, increase performance and address customer concerns. Some other highlights of this upgrade include:

  • Increased automated error handling, which reduces the time a Beyonic administrator has to intervene on payments & leads to faster payment delivery and issue resolution.
  • Duplicate detection — we’ve made it harder for you to make duplicate payments by mistake.

Coming Soon

Here’s some of what we’re working on:

  • Project based accounts — very soon, you’ll be able to “bucket” funds for use on different projects or by different groups of people, and control who can create payments from those buckets of funds.
  • Custom fields — you asked, we listened. The next upgrade will allow you to add custom fields to payments and contacts, which will allow you to track program specific data, like national ids, project codes, donor codes and more.
  • More export options — you’ll be able to define dates and additional columns for your exports.
  • Fees in payment list — you’ll be able to see what fees you have been charged right from the payment list.


As usual, we look forward to hearing back from you. You can email us at

Thanks & Regards,

Luke Kyohere
CEO, Beyonic.

