A BOLD step towards success: Hevo’s Talent Community

Sarah Jacob
Business & Beyond @Hevo
3 min readApr 4, 2022

The Challenge

While approaching campuses for talent, the TA Team observed that there was a lack of awareness among students about the variety and quality of roles and opportunities that were available to them. They seemed to be merely pursuing large names and brand value, perhaps in sectors like banking or FMCGs, without truly understanding the work or the potential of the roles. Moreover, awareness about the SaaS industry was non-existent. This seemed to be a large oversight and waste of potential of these talented students. It is something that we decided to address in a very mutually beneficial manner- such that the students would be better informed about the SaaS industry and the plethora of opportunities within it, and we would also get a much more interested talent pool to draw from.

The Solution

To solve this problem, we decided to start the Hevo BOLD project. Through a series of webinars and the formation of a talent community, we plan to create a reciprocal relationship between us and the students who just are entering the corporate world. This critical stage can be daunting for many, and having such a resource to better understand the options available and help each other grow can be a boon.

We found that such an option would be much more effective than pre-placement talks, where students are faced with an onslaught of information about companies that they may or may not even be interested in, and where there is rarely any interaction or knowledge sharing based on the students’ needs. A real link is formed when there is real knowledge shared and true communication is happening. These individual links turn into the building of a very helpful network, one that can be beneficial for the students and Hevo as well.

The Webinars

The webinars are hotspots of knowledge sharing in the form of an online Q&A session. We have multiple panelists, all of whom are accomplished and experienced professionals in their area of expertise. Sometimes, we include an alum of the respective college so that the students get a real glimpse of the journey that they could take after their education, and form a relatable link with the alum as an aspiring figure. We then have an in-depth introduction to the world of SaaS, using Hevo as a prime example of how such an industry and work environment can be. We talk about the industry landscape, the potential in the Indian market compared to other countries, our growth and customer base, and our culture and values. This usually morphs into a very interactive Q&A session where students can find out more and quench their curiosity.

Through this, not only are the students exposed to a new industry that they may not have considered, but are also able to understand the foundation and intricacies of building a company such as Hevo, and the strong culture that develops.

The Talent Community

Once a student has attended a webinar, they have the opportunity to join our Talent Community on Discord. This is a space where Hevo team members and students can connect to share resources, discuss relevant topics, and grow mutually. The main three purposes of this community are to build engagement, share knowledge, and have regular connects that would create a strong network. The community has different channels for different topics we might wish to cover, and we would regularly share blogs and other resources, have Q&A sessions, conduct quizzes, etc.

A member of this community would not only get regular updates on the industry, understand what skills they need to develop and how to do it, but also be a part of a network of professionals as a perennial resource.

The Progress

Some initial challenges aside, the webinars are currently going full swing in various B-schools across India, with a good 200–350 participants in each of them. The talent community is also seeing new members joining every day, and we hope to finish off with close to 2000 members.

It feels very satisfying to take on this project which not only creates an enthusiastic talent pool for Hevo but also educates and helps so many students across the country. The real gratification comes when we are able to create an impact on other people’s lives, and this is why Hevo BOLD is such a point of pride for us.

