A Multifaceted Sales Journey Within Technical B2B SaaS

Abhishek Singh
Business & Beyond @Hevo
4 min readMay 24, 2022

As a salesperson who has been with Hevo since the early days of the Sales function in different roles, I have been able to intimately see the growth of the team. Looking back, I can track it with my professional and personal growth. As the Sales function has undergone a myriad of changes, we have become more streamlined, effective, and mature.

There is a multitude of reasons that my journey at Hevo has been exceedingly fruitful so far, so let us explore a few of these in this blog.

Choosing Hevo

When I first got the chance to work at Hevo, I noticed that the process that was followed for hiring, from reach-out to onboarding was very straightforward. At that point, I was on the lookout for a very exciting and engaging opportunity, and Hevo as a rapidly expanding organization attracted me greatly. A large number of leads were very marketing-heavy, which is appealing to work on as a salesperson. I also thought that I would get the opportunity to build some processes from scratch, which is indeed what I have been able to do.

Talking with our co-founder was the final deciding point for me, after a very inspiring interview that felt more like a mutual discussion than a formal interview. The openness and simplicity of the entire process, along with the stage of the organization, the quality and culture it was developing, and the potential for me as a salesperson all helped me ultimately choose Hevo as the place to be.

Setting Up Processes From Scratch

I started with Hevo as part of the Inbound team. Being an organization that thrives with its Inbound system, I had the best seat to witness the process evolving and how the sales organization was setting high standards to ensure a top-notch customer experience during the buying cycle. This phase was so inspiring for me and I was learning every day and most importantly contributing to this creation on daily basis.

After a while when the opportunity presented itself for me to work as part of the Outbound operations for a brief amount of time and to contribute towards building the process around the same, all my learning came into effect. I was able to identify key elements that I felt were important:

  1. Segregation of different touchpoints, how to push customers through the funnel, understanding the right personas and decision-makers, etc.
  2. Understanding the right kind of communication that should be used, how we present ourselves, and the advantages that we offer.
  3. Mapping our ICP and the specific set of our audience.
  4. Experimentation with all of the above aspects, to find the best outcome for us as a team.

It was a sharp learning curve for me, but I have been immensely grateful to get the opportunity to build critical elements of this function from the ground up.

Wearing Various Hats

Whether at the beginning of my time at Hevo when I was able to switch from inbound to setting up the outbound processes, or a few months later when I switched back to inbound as my area of strength, I have always seen a great measure of flexibility within Hevo to work in the area that suits me the best.

As someone who had come with a great deal of experience in working with the marketing persona, working in such a technical field was also new to me. Working with the tech persona has increased my technical knowledge multifold, and has also opened up the way I communicate in different customer interactions.

A Positive Work Culture

While working at Hevo, I have been able to interact with a great number of people who always impressed me with their intellect, work ethic, and organizational skills. I feel like I have imbibed something positive from each of my colleagues, whether it is professional, interpersonal, or personal.

The sales philosophy at Hevo is also something that I have taken to heart and implemented. Usually, there is a large pressure to close deals and increase the numbers of each individual. However, at Hevo, sales are approached as what it really is- a touchpoint for the audience to understand what the product is really about and act as a guide for them. There is a large sense of ownership in each person, which encourages the entire team to work towards a sense of encouragement rather than a sense of pressure. Our main goal is to assist our customers to the best of our abilities. There is a larger focus on the longevity and quality of our deals, keeping up to the high standards of quality we have across the organization.

This approach towards our work, along with the ownership and focus on quality, is the reason for our success. I feel as though I have a superpower, one which allows me to understand our customers’ needs and connect them with the knowledge and resource that they require. I take this superpower seriously and strive to use it as best as I can.

Making the Most of Hevo

To anyone who wishes to join Hevo, the best thing to do would be to be as open as possible. Being open to new skillsets, ideas, and responsibilities is the best way to get as much as possible out of the Hevo experience. I feel like a completely different person than Abhishek who joined the organization in 2020 and have absorbed a lot of knowledge like a sponge from a variety of different areas. I am glad to use this to deliver the best sales experience that is possible for our customers.

