A Salesperson Turned Warrior

Joydeep Ghosh
Business & Beyond @Hevo
4 min readJan 4, 2022

As one of the first few on the Sales team, I have been present throughout all the changes that Sales at Hevo has gone through. From hustling to gain a deeper understanding of the product before customer interaction to now having developed an organized, data-driven approach, I have grown immensely over the past year at Hevo.

I like to think of the Sales team at Hevo as a well-trained army working toward a common mission. We are at the frontlines of our organization, serving loyally and working towards spreading our vision and improving the world of data. Every step that each of us takes is planned and supported by the others. Let me dive a little deep into the Hevo ocean and share my perception of how we operate.

  1. Receiving the Sword of Knowledge

As soon as a salesperson joins our team, they receive all the necessary tools to excel. The training they would receive, which has evolved, is now a month-long program covering all critical aspects that will be an asset when they step into the real selling world. The training or the onboarding process (how we call it) covers everything from product knowledge, industry knowledge, buyers' profile and needs, and other finer details.

2. Achieving Mastery of the Weapon

The tools that we receive at Hevo are far beyond a simple training program. Due to the very data-driven nature of all actions taken here, the in-house tool enables every salesperson to innately understand the thought process of our customers and the process associated with uncovering their pain areas. With tools exhibiting sales analytics and lead scorecards, the process helps us streamline our efforts and make the next best move towards helping our customers achieve their goals.

Due to our consultative approach, I feel that we are not mere sales representatives. We are consultants for our customers, so the depth of knowledge we require to help solve all their issues is considerable, and the in-house support system allows us with the same.

3. Nurturing Individual Fighting Styles

Though we follow a Product-led Growth strategy with a very data-driven approach at Hevo, within our general philosophy, we are all encouraged to work in the best way for us. There are defined frameworks, but it is up to us to explore and find our own style because we feel that each individual, due to the deep understanding they would be able to develop, would have their fighting style, which would work best for them and perhaps no other. The independence offered at the Sales team in Hevo is unmatched and is something that I feel is one of our greatest assets.

Each salesperson takes ownership of their own goals, solves their own problems as far as possible, and views the company goals as their own goals.

4. Lean and Learn

Rather than taking a very competitive approach, which can often be the environment within which sales functions, we prefer to work as a team and support our fellow soldiers. Whenever any member encounters any roadblocks or finds some aspect of the job challenging, it is our duty to cover the gaps, work together to find a solution, and uplift each other as much as possible. A very cutthroat environment may produce quick short-term results, but this culture of mutual support is something that contributes to the overall health of the organization and helps all of us to bring the best out of each other. We are never left alone- we are always reaching out to each other and learning from our collective pool of knowledge.

5. Growing Within the Ranks

Since the beginning of my journey at Hevo, I have gained a lot of insight not only into the sales process and how to build it in the best manner but also a broader vision of the tech landscape as well as the business strategy process. I can understand the stages of the entire deal cycle, the legal aspects, how these can be dealt with, and so on. This is mainly due to the way we approach sales at Hevo. I can share my inputs with the team and those who have more experience in these matters without hesitation, and these ideas are welcomed with open arms.

The journey at Hevo has been fascinating and has challenged me and changed me for the better. I have been pushed to learn more and expand my sales knowledge at every step. I have been coached not to settle for anything less than excellence. Every day is so different for me, filled with opportunities to learn and grow, which keeps things exciting.

