Apprentice to Co-Pilot: 15 Months on the Hevo Rocketship

Divij Chawla
Business & Beyond @Hevo
6 min readSep 22, 2021

My exhilarating journey at Hevo began in the summer of 2020 when Hevo visited my campus. I was fortunate enough to be one of the hires that got the opportunity to be a part of the Hevo Rocketship!

Even before I applied at Hevo, I had done my homework about the organization. What struck me and truly made me want to be a part of the story was the company’s vision, the drive to be the absolute best, and the team’s cohesiveness that you could identify even from a simple team picture. The selection rounds were intense and challenging but designed with such finesse that they could holistically evaluate each candidate. My interview round with a senior team member further gave me a great insight into the company and the talented pool of people at Hevo.

Onboarding + Mentorship

The first day is always a mix of emotions for everyone! I was excited and nervous at the same time! I was onboarded virtually by my mentor, or as we call them at Hevo, by my buddy. We follow a buddy program, in which each new joiner is paired with their mentor/buddy, who helps them get settled and come to pace with the team, guiding them through each step. My mentors' genuine efforts to help me succeed and grow made my entry into the corporate world a seamless journey!

Each session with my mentor was an excellent and informative experience that always helped me garner more knowledge, insights, and motivation to excel further. Another aspect that impressed me was the well-thought, structured, and carefully designed 2-weeks Training Module. It helped me brush up on concepts and introduced me to new Technologies like Data Stack, ETL, Data Integration, Business Intelligence, Analytics, and a lot more! As a college student in his 7th Semester, this was an immense learning experience, which became the stepping stone for my growth.

A Click with My Amazing Onboarding Goodies

Onboarded as a part of a high-impact team, “Organic Growth”, I got the opportunity to work with exciting technologies, such as Google Analytics, SEO Tools, MongoDB, etc. My first introduction to these tools also takes me back to an incident that displayed the values that folks at Hevo bring to the table. My mentor/manager had asked me to use Google Analytics to extract data and prepare reports. Being relatively new to the platform, I needed some guidance. My mentor took out some extra time to explain the same to me and help me understand the platform holistically.

Another example of great Mentorship came from our founding engineer. At that time, I was learning MongoDB and was asked to prepare content on the same. Despite being from a completely different vertical of the organization, he took out some time to help me understand MongoDB, clear out my doubts, and he does it even now!

These are just two instances, but if you look at my journey here, whether as an intern back then or now as an FTE, I’ve had numerous such experiences. My mentors and managers have been the true backbone of my growth here.


The culture at Hevo is where the strength lies for this organization. Backed by values like Authenticity, Trustworthiness, Curiosity, Immense Strive to Excel, and of course, Humility, these are what form the backbone of the environment and culture at Hevo. Employees, irrespective of whether they are interns, new joiners or even VP’s of different verticals, are given the same respect and consideration. Everyone is encouraged to actively participate, contribute, ask questions and put forth their opinions or suggestions associated with the various initiatives being run across the organization.

Another impressive flair that you can immediately identify in the environment here at Hevo is the sense of ownership. Our founders Manish Jethani and Sourabh Agarwal often stress that it’s genuinely the employees that keep the product going. As a result, every person who’s a part of the team is inculcated with the concept that they make an immense impact on the company’s growth and success. Tech team members are often seen giving out Marketing ideas, solving business use cases, and vice versa.

On a lighter note, we at Hevo try to make the most of the WFH model to ensure a fun working environment at all times! For example, I’m personally an absolute fan of the “Chai pe Charcha” initiative. Every two weeks, individuals are randomly paired up with 2–3 folks from the team for an interactive session. So you can interact with people, talk about various topics beyond work, play games and get to know each other! Thanks to these meetings, I’ve interacted with people from the Tech, Talent Acquisition, Marketing Teams and more, even though I’ve been working remotely since the start!

A Fun Chai-pe-Charcha Catch-up with the Folks at Hevo

We often organize meetups in various cities and even company-wide vacations to relax, hang out with each other, and have a great time. Beyond these meetups, we have daily Trivia games, fun interactive activities, celebration events, etc., that keep everyone engaged and rejuvenated.

Work and Growth Opportunities

I believe that my work experience at Hevo, as an intern as well as an FTE, has been incredibly rich. I’ve been fortunate enough to get the opportunity to take up projects across the Product Marketing, Sales, and Analytics verticals. It has helped me grow both professionally and personally.

As mentioned earlier, I joined Hevo as an intern in June 2020. Within the first few weeks of my internship, I worked on a high-impact project to build our “/learn Content Engine’’ and generate leads for Hevo’s No-code ETL Pipeline. As a part of this project, I helped prepare content for Technical blogs, Whitepapers, and even Industry-Specific guides such as Marketing Analytics for SaaS. In addition, I also got the opportunity to take up tasks related to SEO Analysis and use Google Analytics, SEMRush, etc., to carry out the same.

I remember, back then, I’d often check on how my content was ranking and the kind of traffic and leads it was generating. Seeing my content perform well and getting appreciation from my mentor/team lead was always a significant confidence boost.

Words of Appreciation from My Mentor

Upon completing my internship at Hevo, I successfully transitioned into a Business Strategist & Leadership based FTE role. I got the opportunity to lead a team of Research Analysts, to continue building our content engine and carry out numerous Organic Product Marketing initiatives.

Under the excellent leadership of my team lead and mentor, I further expanded my horizons with Marketing Analytics Projects. I analyzed large datasets and built reports using Business Intelligence and Web Analytics tools like Metabase, Google Analytics, etc., to generate insights and take effective data-driven decisions to ensure continued Product Growth. Another exciting project I got to be a part of was Marketing Qualification, where I classified leads based on specific Product, Geo, and Company-specific factors.

In addition to the above-mentioned, I’m currently exploring more areas, enhancing my skills further, and contributing in the best possible way to the company’s booming growth.

One of the biggest highlights of my stint here at Hevo is when Manish Jethani, our CEO and Founder, congratulated me on my successful conversion and achieving a record Monthly Lead Generation number based on our business strategies. Seeing our founder recognize and appreciate our efforts as a team represents the positive culture and leadership we have at Hevo!

Although it’s only been a year and few months since I’ve been a part of the Hevo Rocketship, I can say without a doubt that it’s been a fantastic first year of my career. I’m excited to see the heights we reach further in the future as a team!

We appreciate you reading this article till the end. Building a great product takes hard work and determination. With each of us at Hevo sharing the same passion, everyone on the team takes the effort to go the extra mile. If you’d like to be a part of our journey and work on some of these unique challenges, please do check Hevo’s careers page.

