Broadening My Horizons: Entering the World of Solutions Engineering

Business & Beyond @Hevo
4 min readMar 4, 2022


As someone who really wanted to expand and contribute to the world of data, moving from being a Big Data Developer to a Solutions Engineer seemed like the right path for me. Having gained a considerable knowledge base in the purely technical aspects of the world of data, it was time for me to use this knowledge in the business side of things. This is why I joined Hevo in the budding Solutions Team around five months ago.

Through these months here, I have utilized my technical skills very effectively, and in ways I have never thought possible. I have also noticed a few new skills that I have been developing as a Solutions Engineer. In this blog, let us explore the unique skills and avenues I am exploring as a Solutions Engineer and how I have made the journey between the two.

Collaborative Spirit

The first aspect that is entirely new for me as a Solutions Engineer is the amount of collaboration I can do. As a Data Engineer, my job requirement was to develop features or work on code, but I had no visibility as to the real impact of my work on the product and the customer. As a Solutions Engineer, I act as the one person who has a vantage point of both the development side of things as well as the sales efforts. My work is an entirely collaborative effort between multiple teams within the company. In return, I can put all these bits and pieces together to create a complete image for the customers and the internal teams.

Broad Knowledge Base

Being a Solutions Engineer means having an extensive knowledge base. Due to the flexibility that is offered at Hevo, I can wield this knowledge in a variety of projects, whether it be marketing or documentation. One day, you may be addressing issues concerning the customer about networking or data warehousing, the next day you are looking through legal requirements, and the next you are discussing product strategy or sales numbers. The work that I do daily can range from highly technical to sales strategies, and the range which the role covers leads to a lot of growth and personal development.

Interpersonal Skills

A Solutions Engineer has a significant number of conversations daily, which is not something I had the opportunity to do on a daily basis as a Data Engineer. Apart from technical know-how, there are a plethora of skills required to satisfy my role, which I’m still taking baby steps towards. My favorite part of the job is still when the conversations get very technical, and I am able to have a geeky conversation with a customer about the latest technologies- establishing a rapport with them while also having a great time. Regardless, every conversation that I have teaches me something new in a field that I may not even have been exposed to previously.

Solving Problem Statements, Not Tasks

Unlike the well-defined boundaries during my work as a developer, the role as a Solutions Engineer offers a much wider lens. I encounter many complicated problem statements that I need to employ new strategies and new perspectives for. I get to see multiple dimensions of the same problem, thinking like a developer, salesperson, and a customer all into one. Often, it is not even possible for me to solve these statements on my own, which makes the collaborative spirit of the role so much more valuable. Some days, I may reach a very satisfactory conclusion, but other days may be more difficult. Regardless, solving such a variety of problems using so many different techniques and tools means that my problem-solving skills, detail-oriented nature, and knowledge is developing in leaps and bounds. A critical skill to retain is the thirst and freedom for exploration and openness. There are so many more ways to approach a problem statement than I had imagined as a Data Engineer, and the ability to explore is what is driving me to discover all of these.

How can I become a Solutions Engineer?

The main thing to ask yourself when transitioning from an engineering or dev role to a Solutions role are- am I interested in getting outside of my comfort zone and working in a highly collaborative and technical environment? Once these questions have been satisfactorily answered, perhaps it is time to consider a role as a Solutions Engineer. If this blog has interested you in our team and our way of working, be sure to reach out to us at

