Connecting the Dots: How to Find the Best Talent in a Startup

Kratika Gupta
Business & Beyond @Hevo
4 min readMar 14, 2022

Talent acquisition in a startup is a whole different ball game than that in an MNC or a larger company. Candidates can often be skeptical of the security of the company, their potential for growth, or a myriad of other factors. In such a situation, it can be the responsibility of the TA team to accurately express what it means to work in their organization.

Let us take a look at how we can find the right candidates specific to our organization, and showcase the Hevo culture and mission effectively, specifically in the light of us being a growing company.

There are certain aspects about working in a startup that would appeal to certain people, while perhaps not being the cup of tea for others.

  1. Versatility of role

Roles in a growing company are often newly created and may not be set in stone like in an MNC. The work that one takes on can be ever-changing. This means that projects can always be taken on which are in new areas, exploring new skills, or in conjunction with other departments. This versatility of role can be seen as very advantageous for many people, while possibly confusing for a candidate who prefers well-established processes. However, the scope of innovation is higher in this kind of organization.

2. Criticality of role

A startup often operates at critical capacity and is growing at a rate that matches or exceeds the new members who are joining it. This means that every role and every project done by its team is of high criticality. Every action taken by a team member can have a ripple or direct impact on the company, which can be a very attractive aspect to someone who wishes to make a high impact through their work.

3. Challenging Status Quo

At Hevo, we always try to approach our processes with a data focus rather than relying on old ideas or techniques to work as they always did. We try to innovate in every aspect to become better and reach beyond. This means that every team member is pushing boundaries at every moment, rather than sticking to a previously established process. Challenging the status quo is granted at a growing company like Hevo.

4. Fast-paced Environment

A rocketship like Hevo is in a phase where we sprint towards our goals, and no team member is left behind. This kind of environment can be appealing for someone who is looking for a fast-paced environment that constantly challenges and propels them.

Such positive aspects of working at a place like Hevo, as well as our specific USPs, need to be communicated in the best manner to ensure that the right matches can be made- this would produce positive outcomes for both the company and the individuals.

Let us explore the main ways in which we aim to express the Hevo mission to candidates.

  1. Fast-Paced and In-depth Hiring

The hiring processes in a startup are usually quite fast-paced to clearly reflect the pace of our work and to respect the time of the candidates as well. A major channel for hiring is through references, as our existing team members would have a clear image of the company culture and would be able to recommend people who would easily adapt and comfortably fit into the established culture. Passion and commitment come before everything else and this potential is first and foremost what we look for in the candidates.

2. Testimonials

The true essence of a company environment can only be seen through the people experiencing it on a daily basis. This is why our communications with potential candidates try to be as direct as possible through employee testimonials that talk about what it truly is to be a Hevoite. Our message is spread through various digital channels like YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, etc.

3. Career Paths

At Hevo, we try to map out career paths for each of our members so they know exactly what they are getting into, and the potential for growth within the company. This reduces some of the potential uncertainty associated with a startup and allows the individual to plan and foresee their path much better, along with clearly understanding the advantages of coming onboard.

4. Connect with the Leadership

Any new candidate who joins the company has sessions with the leadership, where they are able to candidly discuss the mission, goals, and values of the company. This creates a connection and clarity about the organization that makes all the work that much more impactful.

5. Transparent Processes

A foundational element of the relationship between Hevo and Hevoites is reciprocity. A high standard of work cannot be expected without a high standard of benefits, environment, and all other aspects that can be provided by the organization. At Hevo, we try to keep our motives, processes, and ideas as transparent as possible, to create a level of trust within the team. For example, regardless of their background, all members of a team would have the access to an equal level of aggressive benefits that we have set up. This is an aspect that we make sure to highlight to all our candidates.

The channel of portraying our message to candidates might be through video, text, or various others. However, the underlying message always remains the same. Before portraying this messaging, it is crucial to be crystal clear of yourself and your future plans. This means that the goals, ideals, mission, and culture of the company need to be clearly decided before they can be clearly communicated. It is only then that the TA team can be open and transparent to find the right talent who can create magic with the fast-paced, high-performance startup culture while being their creative best at Hevo.

