Empathy — One of the Key Governing Principles of Sales at Hevo

Lakshya Kanyakubja
Business & Beyond @Hevo
3 min readJan 24, 2022

“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view… until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” — To Kill a Mockingbird.

This phrase speaks about the importance of empathy and the ability to truly understand another person’s point of view. Can this quote be pertinent, not just in the world of literature but in the fast-paced world of sales as well? Let us explore how the Sales team at Hevo applies the human traits of empathy and listening towards a highly effective sales environment.

The common perception of Sales being an aggressive, ruthless, and cutthroat game never appealed to us. We believe Sales should be consultative, and we as sales professionals should step into customers’ shoes and understand their world before proposing a solution. We look for this key attribute in every sales team member we hire as we rapidly scale up our current sales team. We want to ensure that the team members we bring onboard share the same values and will thrive in the same environment that we have so meticulously built.

The work culture at Hevo Sales is pretty unique. It’s not just about hitting the targets but also looking at what’s suitable for the customers, ensuring they get the most value in the long term, and helping internal teams with thorough feedback to craft the best experience for our customers.

Our Governing Principles

While many companies wish to emulate a customer-centric culture, as time goes on, it can often drift into a sales-driven culture. For this reason, we mold our new team members with our Governing Principle-> Customer before Targets. The training module built revolves around this simple concept. We learn our product and we spend a good portion of our training time on how to understand our customers. This is why we begin every call addressing their problem statement and not with our product pitch.


When it comes to data replication, it is a very important point in the journey of any company whenever they are setting up their data stack. It is something that organizations want to get right at one go. Due to this sensitive nature, we thrive on helping customers understand whether Hevo is the solution they are looking for. We never shy away from telling customers if Hevo cannot solve their problem. We always encourage them to try a few different solutions to have a broader understanding of their own use cases. We provide them with an option of a free plan and assist them with technical support to explore the platform in real-time with credible data load to ensure they are making the right investment decision. Being transparent is a way of life in Hevo. Whether internal or external stakeholders, we believe transparency brings about thought clarity.

Empathy Within the Team

We approach our team members just like how we approach our customers- with empathy and willingness to help so they can succeed. Every 1:1 meeting with team leaders is very pointed towards what has been happening and what can be improved in a well-articulated structure. We discuss ideas such as — how were customers approached and what can be changed? What were the factors that we were thinking about? What was the thought process behind our actions? and so on. We leave no stones unturned. Whether an email messaging or a discovery call, the team leads analyze the minute details to ensure their team members get the right kind of help which will accelerate their growth as sales professionals.

Empathy towards the internal stakeholders. Empathy towards the external stakeholders. This is the way of life at Hevo- plain and simple.

We at Hevo are developing an environment where ideas are shared without fear, convictions are challenged with data, and customers are approached as partners. If you want to join us, send an email to business.hiring@hevodata.com.

