From Business School to B2B Sales: My Eye-opening Journey

Vaibhav Mohta
Business & Beyond @Hevo
4 min readFeb 8, 2022

Entering the professional world can be a daunting and unfamiliar experience for a fresh MBA graduate. The corporate world is entirely separate from the academic one, and for some, it can be a difficult transition.

When I was recruited from my college campus to Hevo Data as a Solutions Consultant, I was unsure what I had in store. Would I succeed and thrive in my role despite my low experience and would I have adequate support if I couldn’t?

My mind was put to rest right from the start, even before I was recruited. My interview process itself displayed a crystal clear picture of the kind of work I would be doing through various engaging assessments and discussions that directly correlated to the work I do today. They ensured that the candidates recruited would be highly suited for the role. This focused approach helped put my mind at ease that my training and entrance to my position would follow a similarly concentrated procedure. This assumption was ultimately proved correct through the in-depth onboarding program.

Having worked at Hevo for around ten months, I am entirely at ease with my work and have never once felt at a disadvantage due to having less experience than a few others in my team. There are a few reasons why I think that joining Sales at Hevo has been an excellent decision for me, personally and professionally.

  1. Learning Curve in a Startup

The concept of a steep learning curve in startups is a familiar concept and definitely not false when it comes to Hevo. The first 4–5 years of one’s career are truly when one can push themselves, and there is no better environment to do so than a startup.

When it comes to startups, personal growth compounds to the extent that you are a completely different person at the end of your journey compared to the beginning. In startups, the growth is exponential since you would have to learn to wear multiple hats. For example, besides my core role, I also do pre-sales, trial period support, and some post-sales. There would already be well-established teams for such roles in larger companies, which leaves less space for people to contribute in multiple areas and explore.

2. Sales in a B2B Environment

A common gripe for the sales consultant can be the frustration of speaking to customers who may not understand your product or vision. In B2B sales, you are interacting with another business. This means that the person you are speaking to often is on a similar journey as you, irrespective of their position title. I’ve had the chance to have conversations with professionals across many job roles, but a good understanding of business, technology, and the industry is a common trait that they generally share. This makes my conversations much more fulfilling and productive.

3. Working in a Sunrise Industry

Hevo is a growing company within a growing market. It is just at the initial stage of the S-curve, and this is a highly fruitful time to join a growing company within the growing industry. The addressable market that Hevo is working in is very large, yet niche in its own way and is just in the stage where it is beginning to grow. Working in such an environment with a potential for high growth can be a turning point for a sales professional. This was one of the main reasons I wanted to join Hevo, seeing their investment, partners, and potential for growth. I knew that my trajectory would be similarly exponential!

4. Ability for Experimentation

Rather than facing difficulties due to being early in my career, I have actually found that, in a way, it has proved to be an advantage for me. My lack of prior experience means that I do not have any blinders on, and my outlook remains open and fresh. Many times, my willingness to try new approaches or look at things from new perspectives has led to many breakthroughs. My colleagues and leaders are very supportive of this approach and help me with the areas where there might be possible gaps.

This smooth patching up of my weaknesses while simultaneously giving me the freedom to explore is something I greatly appreciate from the Sales team at Hevo. I have now had the opportunity to work with many other teams on initiatives that have not even been my responsibility, but I have been keen to explore and contribute to. Collaborating with these different stakeholders and understanding the team from a holistic perspective has given me more significant learning than merely sticking to my everyday role and responsibilities.

* * * *

Joining Sales at Hevo directly from my college and so early in my career has been a real turning point for me — something which I can confidently say before even completing a year working here. I can clearly look back on the path I have taken and see how far I have come. I try to visualize the long and fruitful way ahead of me. Sometimes it is like clear water, and sometimes it’s as large as the ocean itself. No matter my journey, this will be a decision I will never regret.

