From Intern to Content Manager: How Organizational Support Helped Me Accelerate my Goals

Aakash Raman
Business & Beyond @Hevo
3 min readFeb 14, 2022

As any typical engineering student applying for placements, I had little clue what kind of job I would end up with. Among all the core technical offers and job descriptions that were flowing in daily, one of them caught my attention for being something completely unique. It was a semi-technical role, and this was something that intrigued me as I was someone who wanted to combine my technical knowledge with management and business. This offer was Hevo’s, and the route of my life changed when I read the job description and decided to take my chances to apply.

As any person joining an organization for the first time, I wanted to consistently perform better and showcase my talents to my peers once I joined. This mentality gave me a sense of responsibility and eagerness to enter the workforce!

I joined Hevo as a Research Analyst (RA) intern in January 2021. As someone who loves writing, the work suited me immensely. I was tasked to write technical content blogs on different topics like data warehouses, BI tools, etc. I was able to pick up a lot of knowledge on topics I had not explored, like Search Engine Optimization, Content Marketing, etc. Additionally, these blogs were not all I worked on- after a few months, I was brought on board to work on qualifying leads as MQLs (Marketing Qualified Leads), another important task relating to analyzing the customer journey of Hevo. Later on, I also contributed to our Marketing Analytics D-Code Masterclass, providing detailed content for the 6 modules in this initiative.

Understanding Me as an Individual

Even during my initial internship phase, I was pleasantly surprised at the amount of understanding I received as an intern. I expected to be another cog in the wheel when I joined the corporate environment. However, my experience was completely different. During my internship, the two mentors I worked with had very different management styles. Still, the common thread I realized was an eagerness to truly understand me and support me in a manner tailored to my personality.

Pushing me Towards Success

As an intern and a fresher, I’d never expected to be put in a leadership position at such an early stage, but the trust and encouragement that my mentors had in me motivated me to work harder each day and showcase my talents, regardless of the outcome. I was not only able to perform my tasks with ease but also push myself into other projects. This reciprocal relationship led me to the next phase of my journey at Hevo.

All this hard work paid off when I was put in charge of a team of 5 RAs towards the beginning of my transition to a full-time role. This kind of transition had never been made before; I was the first fresher who was put in such a position of responsibility. This was only due to the keen eye kept on me as an individual beyond merely another intern and the intimate way that my mentors understood my potential. The fact that the people guiding me were willing to place such an important responsibility in me was truly a rewarding feeling.

Passing on the Favour

The gift that I was given was handled with care and respect, as I knew that perhaps in any other company or situation, I would not have received the same opportunity. I was determined to pass on the favor, and use a similar formula for success with the team I am now managing. I do my best to appreciate each of my team members’ unique talents, give them the freedom to explore and pursue their work in their way, and keep an eye out for opportunities that would benefit them. That is how I learned to bring out the best in Hevo, just as the best was brought out in me.

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At a company like Hevo, the personal touch makes all the difference in how work is done and how we as an organization chase success. By letting each person on the team shine, we can shine as a group as well.

