Here’s Why I Joined Hevo

Vaishali Advani
Business & Beyond @Hevo
4 min readOct 13, 2021

As I complete a month working with Hevo, it is everything I expected it to be and more. If you do not know, Hevo Data is a no-code data pipeline as a service that helps moving data from a range of data sources to your data warehouse. As simple as it sounds, the engineering team is always on its toes to accommodate integrations among more sources and destinations. I, as a Content Manager, take pride in communicating all these efforts and about this awesome product to the world.

How I Came to Know of Hevo Data

Being very active on LinkedIn, I came across a career opportunity in Content Marketing with Hevo Data.

Upon researching a bit about the organization, I came across few things that piqued my interest in joining this company:

  • The kind of clients they have on their website are spread across industries and some are among the business leaders in their space. Given the short period of existence of Hevo, the client list was pretty impressive.
  • The case studies and success stories that Hevo has shared on their website and LinkedIn depict tales of transformation. The impact of the solution is massive when organizations adopt it in their tech stack.
  • All the nice things that clients and employees have shared about Hevo on LinkedIn and other platforms instilled a sense of faith in Hevo and the career opportunity.

My POC for lining up interviews and assessments was my first connection with Hevo. As we say, the first impression is the lasting impression, she took that quite seriously! She was so accommodating of my availability and timeline that I was able to deliver each assessment and interview confidently. Even with my manager, the interview was more like a conversation than a Q&A round. She tried to understand what my capabilities were and if I were a good fit for her team. Thankfully, I was.

While interviewing with Hevo Data, I did not consider any other opportunity mainly because of the role I was being offered. But when I started to dig deeper about the organization, I would have practically taken up any role even if it was remotely related to content or growth marketing. Yes, Hevo is that good, and here are some reasons why I say this.

The Product

Hevo’s no-code data pipeline solution is gaining popularity across industries and big and small size enterprises. It is solving a very prominent problem of enterprises that need to leverage their data for intelligent analytics as it helps teams to load data from various sources to their data warehouse. What’s fascinating is the pace at which the engineering teams are adding sources to their range of integration possibilities and it already provides 100+ ready-to-use integrations. It is great being associated with a brand that is driven by innovation and is being trusted by some reputed organizations in their respective industries.

The People & Culture


That’s me, a part of Hevo team now!

The teams across functions are driven and have immense clarity regarding their goals and the way forward. The leadership is bullish yet realistic and the pace at which Hevo is growing is remarkable. The most impressive aspect is the way teams are coordinating and functioning remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic. I interviewed with Hevo and joined during the pandemic and the process and approach were very professional. The orientation and alignment with the teams were smoother than they could be. What I have experienced so far is that employees are placed at the centre of growth and work-life balance is taken seriously at Hevo. A proof of this is the flexible policies that keep employees’ personal and professional growth as a primary motive.

Before joining, I was aligned with other employees in different departments for a casual catch-up. It was a unique experience where I was able to understand how things work around, and where I will fit in while coordinating among these departments.

This is how I came to know that there is immense scope of collaborating with teams on a project that piques your interest, whether it is within the domain of your expertise or something different altogether. Such culture promotes learning and introduces employees to a range of business verticals, business operations, and industry best practices.

An Ocean of Opportunities

By now, you would have been bored by the statement, “Data is the new oil”, but it is definitely true. The sheer volume of opportunities in the field of big data and analytics is enormous. Also, with the number of organizations moving to the cloud, there is an even bigger scope for careers in the domain of data and analytics. As the markets are maturing, organizations across industries are trying to leverage the power of data to make informed decisions. With Hevo, I could be sure of a long-term career in the domain of big data and analytics that is a growing vertical.

We appreciate you reading this article till the end. Building a great product takes hard work and determination. With each of us at Hevo sharing the same passion, everyone on the team takes the effort to go the extra mile. If you’d like to be a part of our journey and work on some of these unique challenges, please do check Hevo’s careers page.

