Kickstarting my Career in Product at Hevo

Sparsh Wadhwa
Business & Beyond @Hevo
3 min readFeb 23, 2022

When I joined Hevo as a Product Growth Intern in 2021, I expected to spend my time working on a single project. I aimed to learn as much as possible about product marketing and management.

Cut to a year later, I have contributed to marketing and analytics projects across multiple domains and have expanded my knowledge far beyond what I had expected. Let us take a trip through my journey at Hevo so far- the pit stops, the deviations, and the accomplishments.

Events Marketing

I started my Hevo journey with the events marketing team. As a part of this team, I curated events relevant to Hevo’s existing and potential customers. I assumed ownership of the entire process — listing out topics for our webinars by researching recent trends in the industry, finding relevant speakers, and driving the marketing campaign across channels like — LinkedIn, email, and our website. This was my introduction to marketing in a professional capacity. I also revamped the events marketing reporting process to analyze channel-wise performance and optimize our efforts.


When working in the event marketing team, I noticed areas where I felt that automation would reduce the time and effort spent on tasks while getting better results without compromising quality. I was always encouraged to follow my interests, so I learned more about web automation and scraping and how we could apply it to streamline day-to-day tasks.

My background in computer science and the freedom to pursue my initiative led me to develop a solution that has proven to be a huge time-saver for the members of my team and me.

I’ve also been able to apply the skill set I acquired during this period to all my other projects, allowing me to solve analytics problems quickly and more efficiently.

Customer Marketing

Later on, I started working on customer use cases to deeply understand their account, pain points, and objectives and how to portray this as value addition and turn their experience into a selling asset. To completely understand their journey, I had to understand the customers’ problems, how they were solving them, and the different solutions they compared before settling on Hevo. This project helped me truly understand our product and the value we add to other organizations.

Product Marketing

The project I have been working on most recently has been one about Product Positioning. I analyzed data from our competitors, customers, case studies, etc. I used this data to understand our fundamental value points and how we can position ourselves within the market. The end goal of this activity was to find or build a communication or positioning guide, which our team could use to portray Hevo to the world. In addition to product positioning, I’m also the owner of the Product Note — Hevo’s monthly mailer where we talk about new and noteworthy product updates.

The culture at Hevo has played a huge role in my extremely rewarding journey here so far, enabling me to grow both personally and professionally.

  1. Each team member is offered complete ownership over any project they are working on, allowing everyone to approach it in their way and increase effectiveness on a personal and a team level.
  2. The fast-paced environment of a startup, especially one like Hevo, where hard work and success are the norms, encourages self-discipline and an environment where everyone is pushed to their limits but never beyond their limits.
  3. The collaborative nature of work at Hevo means that there is no communication barrier across any teams or levels of the organization. Every team I have collaborated with — Design, Development, and Solutions- is always willing to help with queries or offer support.
  4. The freedom and encouragement to explore means that each team member believes in the philosophy of personal initiative. We are all looking out for ways to improve ourselves, our work, and contribute to Hevo, simply because our environment encourages us to do so.

I am truly awed and grateful that I have been able to wear so many hats and explore so many domains early on in my career, and I am excited to see where my journey with Hevo will take me next.

