My Entry into the Professional World: The Hevo Intern Experience

Abhinav Chola
Business & Beyond @Hevo
5 min readJan 13, 2022

Joining Hevo Data marked my first step in the professional world, and it has been an enriching experience.

It was June 2021, and I was in my M.Tech 3rd Semester when Hevo visited our campus. Even before joining Hevo, I was left impressed by their swift selection process. Unlike other organizations, Hevo tested us on assignments that were precisely in alignment with what our job profile demanded. There was no ambiguity, and even the interviews were crisp & thorough. Most importantly, they were enthusiastic to clarify my trivial queries regarding the company. After four intense selection rounds, Hevo selected three candidates out of 45, and I was lucky enough to be one of them. Thus began my journey with this unique organization!

Mentorship & Training Phase

I joined Hevo as an intern, and working in a professional setup was uncharted waters for me. I was excited but had all kinds of assumptions, from long working hours to strict bosses. It turns out I couldn’t have been more wrong!

At Hevo, the first couple of weeks fall under the training period. Moreover, under the mentorship program, Hevo assigns each fresher/intern a Mentor to guide you into the work culture and help you settle in your role. Once I joined, I was assigned a Mentor who helped me through the thicks and thins of my professional life. He also connected with me personally, which made me comfortable and steady in finding my place in this growing institution.

Hevo’s Goodies

The first two weeks of my stint were all about understanding the company, its product, and the technologies associated with it. In that time, I revised my concepts of Data Warehouses, Databases, Big Data, Data Analytics and learned more about particular products related to this vertical. Moreover, since I was hired as a Research Analyst Intern, the training material also taught me effective Research Methods, SEO techniques, ETL tools, and Keyword Research. Learning about the complexities of a data-driven business market, I was able to comprehend Hevo’s vision and my role in it. As my training ended, I was enthusiastic about further researching these topics and working on real-time projects.

During this training, my Mentor played a crucial role in building up my confidence. I recall an instance when I submitted my first assignment to him just after my training. He suggested 50+ changes in my work, and I was crestfallen. He then made me realize that everyone has a different writing style, and when you are a professional, you need to enhance your game a bit to suit the market needs. He even showed me his first assignment and the mistakes he committed in his initial days. That was the day when my mentality evolved from that of a college intern to a working professional.

The Work Begins!

I was assigned to the Organic Growth Team, which is a part of Hevo’s Marketing Division. As a Research Analyst, my role was to thoroughly research topics essential to our product’s working and publish Technical Blogs. In this role, I got to learn the technicalities of numerous software tools and platforms like Data Warehouses, SaaS Platforms, CRMs, and many more. Moreover, I understood how these complex tools collaborate to serve the bigger picture.

As an intern, I didn’t expect to get a lot of exposure at an early stage. However, Hevo allowed me to diversify my learning experience by regularly collaborating with other teams. I often wrote articles for the Product Marketing Teams that used them to nurture prospects and leads via personalized campaigns. Moreover, I was a part of various E-Book Campaigns created to assist the Sales Team. Other than that, I was also involved in generating engagement and building a buzz among the Quora community, and optimizing content for the SEO Team. Now and then, I also published a few Guest Blogs that were fun to write, as they were a tad bit less technical and focussed more on the motivational side of the business.

All this enhanced my understanding of how different niches play their role in building up a successful organization. Furthermore, all these tasks required a different thought process and alternate writing styles. Participating in these projects upgraded my skills as a writer. It also taught me how to manage my time optimally.

In my six months of internship, I got to work on many projects, and there was never a dull moment. As I grew into my role, Hevo appreciated my efforts by providing me with an opportunity to work on High Impact Content Projects that required deeper research and had a significant impact on the company’s Marketing Campaign. I also realized the value of content in today’s data-driven business model. I understood how the content that I published could directly impact our chances of Lead Conversion and ultimately enhance the company’s growth. Moreover, regular engagement in activities involving different teams gave me a wholesome and optimistic perspective of the corporate world.

The best part about this informative experience was that I managed to work with a multitude of teams in such a short period without disrupting my M.Tech studies. My Mentor ensured that I got ample time for my Thesis work and maintained a harmonic work-life balance.

The Start-up Culture

The work culture at Hevo is excellent, and the whole workforce will treat you with dignity and respect. I witnessed firsthand that everyone, from an Intern to the CEO, is sincere when it comes to work and is constantly reinventing oneself as the company grows. Everyone is excited about their work and never shies away from new challenges. This mindset of striving together into excellence is the real strength and reason behind Hevo’s exceptional growth in just a few years.

Our leaders, Manish Jethani and Sourabh Agarwal have consistently shown that this company recognizes and appreciates individual efforts. They have free-flowing communication with all of us on a general Slack channel and respect everyone’s opinion equally. At Hevo, if your suggestion holds some merit, you will soon see it being implemented. That’s just the kind of place it is!

A snap of our leader Manish’s motivational mail

Even in the work-from-home setup, I was part of numerous leisure and interactive events. In my initial month only, Hevo turned four, and there was a day full of celebration. We were paired into teams for games, contests, and even stand-up shows. In my six-month internship only, I have been a part of a Gaurav Kapoor and a Rahul Subramanian virtual Stand-up show! Events and the frequent goodie bags and gifts lighten the mood around festivals and holidays.

All in all, working at Hevo has enriched my life, and I have realized how much success a strong team with hustle can achieve. I felt content with my work, and as my internship is coming to an end, I look forward to working with these amazing people and experiencing the challenges of new roles.

