Solutions: The Secret Sauce for a Perfect Customer Experience Recipe

Jayesh Asrani
Business & Beyond @Hevo
4 min readFeb 8, 2022

Outside of certain circles, many people do not know what Solutions Team is. The title is intriguing and mysterious.

This article will break down what Solutions is and explore the various aspects of the Solutions team at Hevo and what exactly goes on behind the scenes.

The Solutions team works in partnership with the Sales, Customer Success, Support, Marketing, and Product teams to create solutions that work for everyone. We are problem solvers needing a broad and deep skillset. The breadth and depth in skillset are often referred to as T-shaped to indicate a balance of learning new technologies, Business aspects, and interacting with a multitude of people.

The Solutions Team stands as a pillar of technical support of an organization, both internal and external. We are champions for the customer from a technical perspective during their journey. Traditionally, with the larger and more bulky technology solutions of old, the Solutions team would be intrinsically involved with the entire process of a customer integrating and testing out the company’s product. This would include-

  1. A discovery process to understand the product fit for the customer and whether the technical solution truly solves their problem.
  2. A product walkthrough to understand the product, discuss how the customer pain points can be solved, and discuss more technical points about the product.
  3. A POC or Proof of Concept stage, similar to a product trial, where the product or technology is architected with the customer to be used and tested thoroughly with the help of the Solutions team. This is a crucial stage for the Solutions Team, and their expertise is most required.

Since we at Hevo like our product to do its talking rather than relying on aggressive selling, the Solutions team at Hevo has the same objective with a few key differences in how we function.

The Hevo product, like similar SaaS products, is much less bulky and offers a more convenient trial period. Hence, the POC stage is significantly different. We take on less of an integrated or involved approach, allowing the customers the freedom to explore the software while the Solutions team offers continuous support. The complete concept, knowledge, and right direction for the customers when it comes to technical aspects are provided by our team.

Like Sales at Hevo, the Solutions team also takes a very consultative approach. We take the time to learn and understand customers’ current data sources, data warehouse, BI tools, their context and problems, and nudge them towards the solution that works for them. We work in close partnership with Sales, appearing as a seamless team to the customer- while they approach the task from a business vantage point, we are in charge of the technical vantage point.

Let us explore how the Solutions team at Hevo partners with internal stakeholders across the customer journey.


The solutions team partners with the Sales teams in not just prospecting and discovery but also identifying the technology fit for a potential customer. The solutions team fills in the gaps where deep technical or product expertise is required to help solve the customer problems. We rise above the available information and offer specialized advice to all our customers.


The Solutions team is also roped into conversations with the existing customers. This is through working with CSM — the Customer Success Team — to help reduce churn via constant engagement. We may do this by reviewing new use-cases, removing roadblocks, or helping optimize the solutions. We do not leave our customers hanging once they have been onboarded but use our unique position to offer advice and encourage new data solutions regardless of where they are on their data journey.

Product Opportunities

Given our unique position at the confluence of Sales or the business aspect of Hevo and the technical aspect of the product, the Solutions team is at a vantage point to offer a broader perspective. This is why we often work closely with the product team, especially when identifying new product opportunities or gaps. We often reflect the customer’s voice in these conversations, having been a close point of contact to them, and are the customer’s champions when it comes to improving our product.


When it comes to corporate partnerships that Hevo enters with other technology or consulting companies, the Solutions team offers a great insight into the technical aspects of our product. We ensure that our partners thoroughly understand the product and encourage their contacts to try out a solution that would genuinely work for them and deliver success in their data journey.

Product Marketing

Last but not least, the Solutions team also leverages our in-depth knowledge about the platform to ​​partner with the product marketing team. We publish content around exciting or new features added to the product, thought leadership on where in the eco-system moving, or what new challenges are the customers facing and trying to solve.

The solutions team at Hevo has built a culture around continuous learning and development.

We try to push the boundaries of what is possible with the product and ourselves. Being a part of the Solutions team offers a complete view of the organization and requires unique expertise within Hevo. We pride ourselves on being the bridge between the business aspect and the technical aspect of the entire company. Our work takes us through every part of the organization as a crucial and foundational part of its success.

Did this blog get you excited about Solutions at Hevo? Shoot us an email at to chat more about the open positions or our general ethos.

