The Building Blocks of a Successful Solutions Team

Jayesh Asrani
Business & Beyond @Hevo
4 min readMar 11, 2022

The Solutions team, being at the crux of technology and business, is an amalgamation of a very diverse set of people. In our team, we have people from various backgrounds- pure tech, sales, and even from fields such as advertising. It may appear that it would be difficult to find common ground between them, but there are a few key traits that all solution engineers share. These are the core of what makes a Solutions Engineer. Let us take a look at a few of them-

  1. Clear communication — Not only does a Solutions Engineer’s communication skills have to be top-notch to convey the message to the customers effectively, but they also need to have the ability to do the same in a very succinct and crisp manner. The ability to convey ideas directly shows a clarity of thought that is essential.
  2. Confidence — To deal with the tide of different people that a Solutions Engineer needs to talk to daily, it is crucial to have a high amount of confidence. The way one feels about themselves, their work, and their product often translates when speaking to customers and can make or break the conversation.
  3. Thirst for learning — No matter the field a Solutions Engineer comes from, a solid knowledge base is essential to succeed. It is commonly referred to as a T-shaped knowledge requirement- both the breadth and depth of technical knowledge and business acumen are needed. Hence, a thirst for knowledge is an essential trait to have to keep up with the demand. Regardless of the starting point, one should desire to pick up as much knowledge as possible in different areas.
  4. Strong fundamentals — A firm grasp of the foundation of the field a Solutions Engineer comes from shows the amount of dedication and depth they have displayed towards the work that they have done. This would show a depth in their thinking and indicate a love for detail essential for this role.

Hence, this team forms the confluence of a variety of types of backgrounds but shares a strong set of traits that form the foundation. There is a multitude of ways in which we ensure that everyone who joins the team can reach a level playing field, no matter the starting point.

  1. Thorough Training Program — The first step towards ensuring that every member is on the same track is a training program that we have built from scratch. We start from the beginning, answering questions like- what is the data ecosystem? Where do we stand within it? What do we do? Then we build upon this block by block to give a complete insight into the larger picture, not merely some facts or details that would aid the work. We have ensured that every person who goes through this training would gain a deep understanding of Hevo, complete with mock conversations and clients.
  2. Tech Talks — Every Friday, the Solutions team has a session called “tech talks,” where each team member will present on any topic relevant to the work and Hevo. These talks may be about a myriad of topics like previous experiences or new and exciting technology. This helps us all constantly grow and learn while developing our presentation and communication skills simultaneously. Being a Solutions Engineer means being used to continually upping our game and being comfortable with learning new things quickly. Besides this, it is a great bonding experience for the entire team!
  3. Pet Projects — Besides the routine work that we do, every Solutions Engineer is encouraged to take on a pet project of their own interest. This may be something beneficial to the team or the organization as a whole, or even simply a new skill that they have picked up. Some projects that team members have completed include deep dive competition analyses, reusable SQL/Python scripts, and product walkthrough videos- the former two of which benefited other teams as well, while the latter was beneficial internally.
  4. Many to Many Communication — Often, when communication in a team becomes between individuals rather than between a team, bottlenecks or tensions can arise. In the Solutions Team at Hevo, we try to ensure that all communication is always in a many-to-many fashion. We want to share all our experiences, knowledge, and problems to work in a truly collaborative manner. The collective knowledge is always greater than that of the individual, which is the principle that we wish to keep in mind at all times. Information is always moving forward through a network of connected points.

In this way, the Solutions team at Hevo acts as a diverse yet cohesive group of very talented, skilled, and knowledgeable individuals who are provided with the right environment and resources to truly succeed. Now that we aim to scale our team up, we strive to retain the principles that make us who we are, regardless of how many people join us.

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