Unraveling Complexity Through Design

Muthu Veera
Business & Beyond @Hevo
3 min readDec 19, 2022

When I first started working as a designer, I used to think that the flashier, the better. My early approach was full of colors and effects in an attempt to capture the attention of the viewers. As I matured, I understood that design is all about visually communicating a core idea and telling a story by connecting these communications. “Create a design that is both clean and communicable” is my guiding principle within my designs today.

Simplifying a Complex Problem

The Hevo Data design team is working on a complex problem. Our product is not one that is extremely intuitive to all. However, it is a product that simplifies the work of people of data around the world. We are addressing the data issue, but our product is not limited to the data team. Not only data engineers but also teams like marketing or sales use our product to make their businesses more data-driven.

In a similar spirit, our design needs to be able to communicate a complex problem in the simplest way as well. As a result, our visual communication should be simple to understand rather than technical. To make it more understandable to our target audience, we use a simple and effective design language.

The Psychology of Attraction

As I mentioned in my previous blog, the psychological perspective is crucially influential in marketing design. The audience’s attention is captured in a fraction of a second. The first goal of the marketing design is to achieve this attraction. As I previously stated, our design language is simple and straightforward. As a group of marketers and designers collaborating, we need to communicate the design in a strategic and visually appealing manner while conveying the message in a fraction of a second.

Understanding the brand and the value of the organization and the product helps us develop a clear brand design language. Analyzing and adhering to brand guidelines saves time in making a clear and effective design as well as gives the result of clarity and coherence in design. As an organization, we are always looking for ways to improve our design in order to create a global brand that will make an impact in the industry and help us to make more data-driven companies in the world.

Structuring Creativity

When I first joined Hevo, I was astonished by the level of organization of the files. The team dedicated an entire web page to the brand design guidelines. I spoke with Akhil, the design team lead. The amount of planning the team did each week gave me more confidence in my decision to join the team. The process of organizing the sprint and planning the entire week’s work in a single day captivated me.

Having this much clarity as a small team is a lot. Not only does this give us more clarity about the work, allowing us to produce high-quality results, but it also helps us understand our role in constantly improving design quality and introducing improved design language for brand design.

I have a strong belief in the process. Setting a clear process drives us to concentrate on our work. At Hevo, the well-defined process itself gives us the freedom to express ourselves creatively. A rapidly growing company requires and encourages more creative experiments. Allowing us to take ownership gives us more opportunities to express ourselves and explore new possibilities. Hevo allows us to explore, accept, and learn from our mistakes, shaping us into strong leaders.



Muthu Veera
Business & Beyond @Hevo

Communication and Brand designer at Hevo