The Four Hour Workweek — Summary Slides

Key Points in an Easy-to-Digest Format

Ryan Battles
Growth-Minded Articles
3 min readAug 10, 2014


One of the books that inspired me most to become an entrepreneur is The Four Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss. This book is indeed inspirational, but the literal “Four Hour Workweek” is not something that people attain. I’m sure Ferriss is working on promoting himself, or his new endeavors, more than 4 hours every week.

That being said, there are a lot of practical tips in the book. There is also a healthy dose of encouragement and inspiration. Inspiration to live above the average, to stretch yourself, and to focus on what is important instead of what is merely urgent.

I’ve written down a few key points from The Four Hour Workweek into some slides below. There is also a PDF to download link after the slides. Enjoy!

You can also download the PDF version of my notes on Four Hour Workweek here:

The Four Hour Workweek Slides (PDF).

Slide Content:

Step 1: D is for Definition

  • Divorce yourself from the idea of working yourself to death for a gold watch and a pat on the back.
  • Abandon the concept of retirement as a holy grail
  • Instead of absolute income (how much you make per year), focus on relative income (how much you make vs. your actual effort).
  • Spend 5 minutes to define your dream.
  • Spend 5 minutes defining the worst thing that could happen if you followed that dream.
  • Is the possible nightmare bad enough to abandon your dream?

Step 2: E is for Elimination

  • Make your to-do list for tomorrow before you finish today.
  • When you add an item to this list, ask yourself if you would view a day as productive if that’s the only thing on the list that you got done.
  • Then, when you start in the morning, just attack that list with vigor knowing that all of the stuff is worthwhile.
  • Stop all multitasking immediately.
  • This allows you to churn out the task way faster.
  • Force yourself to end your day at 4 PM or end your week on Thursday.
  • Learn to compress your productive time.
  • Go on a one week media fast.
  • Check email only twice a day.
  • Never, ever have a meeting without a clear agenda.
  • Don’t be afraid to hang up a “do not disturb” sign.

Step 3: A is for Automation

  • If you set up being a middleman appropriately, you can create a stream of passive income that permits you to make money with very little effort.

Step 4: L is for Liberation

  • Change your job so that you can work remotely.
  • Geographic arbitrage is a great way to enhance your relative income.
  • Time is the really valuable asset we have in our lives, not money

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