Business Change, Tipping, and that Perception/Reality Thing

Jeff Yablon
Business Change and Business Process
2 min readMay 6, 2011

Perception, as I’ve mentioned a few times, is reality. Whether the topic is the legal status of Groupon as a gift card mill, the speed of your web site and whether that chases people away, sanitation grades at restaurants in New York City, or even the question of who really caught Osama Bin Laden, at the end of the day things are what you believe them to be. In large part, it’s really true; perception is reality.

So: How Much Do You Tip a Delivery Guy?

I’ve come across a new blog that’s devoted to the topic of bad tippers. I happen to disagree with the premise there, which is that delivery people should be tipped 15% of the bill, just as if they were waitstaff and you had sat down at the restaurant instead of ordering in.

One example cited there is the person who tips $2 on a $78 tab. It may sound bad, but if you re-frame the idea as “here’s a couple of bucks to make a delivery of something small” the perception/reality curve shifts.

To the best of my knowledge, there’s no standard (15%?) tip for a delivery. And let’s be honest; getting delivery isn’t the same thing as paying a percentage for service, where you get actual attention to yourself and details.

So my objection is trying to think in those terms. Perception is Reality, and business change is what you make of it. When I get food delivered I generally tip $5. If the food was $100 that’s “too low” using the percentage model. If it was $12, though, it’s too high.

Perception is Reality.

How does this apply to business change? My answer might seem like a cop-out, but it’s actually the opposite (speaking of perception and reality!):

You Decide

See the italicized “you”? It’s not incidental. Business change is about you being in control, making decisions, and enacting the associated decisions.

Have a great weekend. Of course, whether you do so is up to you. And why? Say it with me:

Perception is Reality.

Oh: And tip well, OK?

