Customer Service, Viruses, Apple, and “See/Speak No Evil”

Jeff Yablon
Business Change and Business Process
2 min readMay 20, 2011

Apple Macintosh Computers Get Viruses.

Apple doesn’t like to admit that. In fact, Apple has a long history of claiming that you won’t get a computer virus if you use a Macintosh, while the real truth has always been Macs get fewer viruses only because virus writers have traditionally written fewer Mac Viruses (Virii?) than viruses that affect Windows computers.

With the Mac Defender malware now running rampant across the Internet and the hard drives in Macintosh computers, Apple’s response has been, essentially, “we aren’t going to talk about that with you”. Apple certainly isn’t going to help you get rid of a computer virus. And the reason? It’s simple, really: It’s because they’re Apple.

Is this a customer service issue? You bet. While Apple isn’t technically responsible for helping users clean their Mac Defender malware/virus-infected computers, simply refusing to help or even acknowledge that Macs are getting viruses is unconscionable. It’s no way to treat customers. It’s failing to provide customer service.

It’s almost, but not quite, an offense worthy of getting Apple enshrined on The Answer Guy’s Customer Service Wall of Shame.

Why only almost? Because the truth is this: Apple isn’t really responsible for helping you clean up after what basically comes down to user error, until they claim to be in that business. And they don’t. Apple designs and sells very cool products. And they’ll sell you support for failure of those products. But they don’t guarantee the products against what is essentially misuse. Or less strongly, against carelessness.

Should Apple help with cleaning up Mac Defender virus issues and other computer viruses? Of course. But that would require first dropping the famous Apple hubris and admitting that Macs are just as susceptible to computer viruses as Windows computers or any other computer. Not gonna happen.

Apple’s position shouldn’t come as a surprise. Remember that this is the company that:

OK, so I kind of enjoy picking on Apple. I’ve said many times how much I love their products but hate the company, and this issue falls right in line with that. And there’s a “mismanagement of customer service” thing going on, because let’s face it: perception is reality.

But Perception being reality cuts both ways. And understanding that is where business change that works come from.

