March 2009 Virtual VIP Tips

Jeff Yablon
Business Change and Business Process
4 min readMar 2, 2009

Virtual VIP Tips

March 2009

PC-VIP Inc./ Virtual VIPBusiness and Computer Care for Those with Better Things To Do

New York City . . . and Your Desktop!

Welcome to the March 2009 issue of Virtual VIP Tips. We like to say “hi” about once a month, and I want to say that I’m always here if you need help, too. Read on, and have a great day!

Jeff Yablon
President & CEO

PC-VIP Inc./Virtual VIP

Financial Corner
Sell a Thing-a-ma-jig, Pay Your Taxes

Ever wonder what the government thinks of you buying and selling stuff in Virtual Worlds?Of Course not. You’re not a kid; you don’t even know what that means. Well listen up, because you may be digging into your pocket.

On Page 213 of the US Taxpayer Advocate’s Annual Report to Congress, there’s a recommendation that the IRS get aggressive about collecting taxes on income earned when one user sells things to another while playing on-line computer games. Yes, seriously. Sell something that doesn’t exist, pay taxes with real money. And this is from your advocate.

I’m not sure I even understand it. Except for the part about the government reaching into my pocket. Again.

Sure do hope your accountant is up to date on THAT part of the tax code!

What’s the lesson? One we preach all the time: Things are changing. And you have to pay attention, and change, too. And maybe pay taxes, as well.

Here’s a simple, fairly inexpensive idea: try selling at a trade show off in the far reaches of the dimly-lit booths. Talk about a Virtual World! Not a trade show in your industry, by the way . . . trade shows from other industries where your services might be needed. DO SOMETHING. Now.

The world is in a constant state of flux. Virtual VIP can help you manage that change, but nothing happens until you decide it’s time . . .

In This Issue Reality and Business ChoicesSell a Thing-a-ma-jig, Pay Your Taxes


Guilt Enslaves. Responsibility Liberates.

Think about it.

Shut off the voices you’ve been listening to since you were a child and start moving toward what you want, not what you’ve been told you’re supposed to want.

Forgive those around you for the things they’ve “done to you” . . . and move forward. You’ll feel great, and your results will be great.

And matter. To you.


GREAT results. My business is transformed, and I have Virtual VIP to thank.And my family’s happier, too!

-M Wildstrom, San Jose

About Virtual VIP PC-VIP Inc.
Business and Computer Care for Those with Better Things To DoVirtual Assistants, Business Coaching and Consulting, and Rent-a-C.O.O. Services New York City, and On Your Desktop

PC-VIP Inc.+1 646 827–3800

