The New York Mets — and Sports, Like Business, Make Me Happy

Jeff Yablon
Business Change and Business Process
2 min readMar 9, 2012

Happiness, according to this article in Inc., makes your brain work better.

I concur.

The article goes further, pointing out the fallacy that so many of us live by: if you think success will make you happy, you’re wrong. In fact, happiness will make you more successful.

I’ve been thinking about that article since I came across it about ten days ago, and this morning, The New York Times’ Op/Ed columnist David Brooks gave me the tie-in I needed to tell you about it.

I’m a New York Mets Fan.

The New York Mets make me happy. I’m a little bit happier when they win — which doesn’t happen often enough — but winning isn’t part of the equation when it comes to my “I’m a New York Mets Fan” statement; I … just am. And while I’m cranky when they do stupid things like letting Jose Reyes go without a fight, nothing really changes this truth. It’s part of me. I’m a New York Mets Fan.

I wrote about the Mets when they terminated the contract of a misbehaving player. And I don’t talk about sports very much here.

Sports is on my mind enough that I do bring up sports business stories every now and again, of course. David Aldridge and his NBA/Journalism Conflict of InterestBill Maher, The NFL, and SocialismLinsanity and the Chink in The Armor of Journalism? All here.

Sports, like business, interests me. They make me happy. It’s part of who I am. It’s simple; when I feel attached, I feel fulfilled, and I get better at the things I do. Happiness leads to success.

When I’m asked how I manage to keep finding things to write about four or five times a week I always answer the same way: it’s easy, because I’m interested. Great customer service? I see it. Rotten Customer Service? Well hey, we have The Verizon Wireless Customer Service Wall of Shame, and less egregious examples of bad customer service pop up here, too. Even something as simple as bread can get me thinking — and writing.

Because when I’m writing, I’m happy. Success, defined in this case as putting together something you’ll enjoy reading and will contribute to my goal of getting people to this web site, comes easily.

Happiness leads to success.

Authenticity is tied in here. David Brooks and I don’t care that you might make fun of us for being New York Mets Fans. Honesty. Openness. Being real. They all make me happy. They all lead to success.

My lips are moving. Do You Hear What I’m Saying? I’m happy. Even though my New York Mets are very likely to finish in last place this year.

