Virtual VIP Newsletter, April 2009

Jeff Yablon
Business Change and Business Process
3 min readApr 4, 2009

Virtual VIP Tips

April 2009

PC-VIP Inc./ Virtual VIP

Business and Computer Care for Those with Better Things To Do

New York City . . . and Your Desktop!

Welcome to the April 2009 issue of Virtual VIP Tips. We like to say “hi” about once a month, and I want to say that I’m always here if you need help, too. Read on, and have a great day!


Jeff Yablon

President & CEO

PC-VIP Inc./Virtual VIP

Does WHO Sends a Message Matter?

Or Even Who Makes a Product?

I used to be a Computer Geek.

OK, I’m still a computer geek. But I used to be paid to talk about geeky stuff. I wrote for big-name magazines, TV for CBS News and a radio program, both as The Computer Answer Guy, I wrote software . . . like I said, I was a geek.

So I still read a few geeky things, and I’m still in touch with some old geeky friends. And I’ve just read an article that make me really pay attention. It’s by John Dvorak, one of the oldest, crankiest, and geekiest of the bunch, and you can find it here.

John makes a great point: if you develop a reputation for bad stuff, even your good stuff will be viewed as bad. And if you are a “good guy”, well . . . let’s just say that as much as I like iTunes, I don’t like Apple, but I’m in the minority on that.

Are you a good guy, or a bad guy? Make sure it’s the one you want it to be, and then guard it like it’s the most important asset you own.

Because it is.

Social Media is Like Teen Sex

Everyone Wants to Do It . . .

. . . No one actually knows how. When finally done, there is surprise it’s not better

WOW, I wish I had written that. For that matter, I wish I could tell you who did.

Welcome to the new reality.

I came across that line here. The author I was reading found it on this blog. And that person acknowledges that he read it on Twitter, but has (intentionally!) chosen not to reveal who wrote it originally.

I expect I could find the author if I cared enough to check. I don’t, even though I think that quote is brilliant, and that’s (part of) the point.

We’re now operating our businesses in a world where everyone is talking at everyone else, quoting and requoting, sometimes revealing sources and sometimes not.

The curmudgeon in me wants to rant about “these kids today”, or complain about the strange new way we’re creating an even stranger new world. That’s not my point, though. This is:

PAY ATTENTION TO ALL THOSE SILLY ARTICLES ABOUT TWITTER. And Facebook. And LinkedIn. The Virtual World is not virtual any more. It’s here. It’s Real. And you live in it.

Oh: and you need to wear a condom. Even though it’s Virtual.

Virtual VIP can help you manage your changing world, but nothing happens until you decide it’s time . . .


The Final Word on Marketing

OK, not really. But after I polled you on the subject of ethical marketing I got this response (on LinkiedIn) from Pete “NetDoc” Murray.

It’s beyond a question of ethics and into a question of futility. Why on EARTH would you send out an e-mail to an unqualified group? That’s like fishing for trophy bass in a brand spanking new retention pond. The only effect you can have is to make people think less of you for trying. It really doesn’t matter HOW you got the e-mail addresses. What matters is if you are simply wasting more time and generating ill will at the same time.

And I agree.

By the way: Pete received my note by mistake, and I suspect he thought I was spamming him when I sent it.

So . . .

Well, just keep talking, please . . .

About Virtual VIP


Business and Computer Care for Those with Better Things To Do

Virtual Assistants, Business Coaching and Consulting, and Rent-a-C.O.O. Services

New York City, and On Your Desktop


+1 646 827–3800

