Huawei/IDC: driving electric power enterprise digitisation

Georgia Wilson
Business Chief
Published in
3 min readOct 21, 2020

Huawei & IDC release an electric power industry white paper — Building the Future Ready Power Enterprise: Road to a Successful Digital Transformation

In an announcement made by Huawei and IDC, the companies report the release of their joint electric power industry white paper — Building the Future Ready Power Enterprise: Road to a Successful Digital Transformation.

The white paper produced by Huawei and IDC proposes a methodology for the digital transformation of electric power enterprises, that aligns with Huawei’s and the IDC’s methodology for digital transformation frameworks and blueprints.

“As the advance of global energy reform and energy Internet development, the power sector will take an entirely different shape. It will be decarbonized, digitised, and intelligent,” commented Hou Jinming, Deputy Director of the Technology Department of the Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization (GEIDCO).

The IDC methodology

In the report the IDC proposes that, in order to build the future of power enterprise, the industry should adopt its maturity model as part of a digital transformation methodology. The maturity model breaks down the digital transformation of electric power enterprises into five phases: ad hoc; opportunistic; repeatable; managed; and optimised.

The IDC also identifies the five critical factors for successful digital transformation in the power industry:

  1. Having a single enterprise digital strategy
  2. The capability and resolve to make the organisational and cultural changes
  3. A long-term investment commitment to digital transformation
  4. A strategy that is platform based
  5. An enterprise wide data governance model

“The modernisation, digitalisation, and transformation of the grid are an immediate requirement,” believes Emilie Ditton, AVP of the Energy and Manufacturing Insights Group, IDC Asia Pacific.

Huawei’s ‘1–2–3–2–1’ digital transformation framework

Alongside the IDC, Huawei “will facilitate digital transformation of electric power enterprises through a variety of methods, including assisting in the understanding of their own status quo, the market, and the entire industry ecosystem,” commented Huawei in a company statement.

The company’s 1–2–3–2–1 digital transformation framework aims to help electric power enterprises realise their vision and digital transformation goals.

The framework includes:

  • Adhering to one transformation vision. “Electric power enterprises should interpret ‘digital transformation’ as a corporate-level transformation strategy and an indispensable element of their overall strategy,” noted Huawei.
  • Creating two assurance conditions. “Develop data literacy levels of enterprises and employees, progress the cultivation of a digital and transformation culture, and build a talent team for digital transformation, supporting enterprises’ digital transformation objectives.”
  • The implementation of three integrated processes — planning, construction, and operations — as well as ensuring that digital transformation is progressing. This allows an organisation’s transformation vision to be converted into value.
  • Develop two driving forces at the core of the strategy. “Follow service and technology trends and seize opportunities in the future,” commented Huawei.
  • Develop one basic platform. Building one fully connected digital platform provides a solid foundation for digital transformation.

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