About Us

Arjun Salyan
The Business Club, IIT (BHU) Varanasi
2 min readJan 5, 2019

The Business Club, IIT (BHU), Varanasi is a group of enthusiasts driven by their interest in the diverse fields that fall under the ambit of the world of business. Embarking on this captivating adventure of pursuing knowledge and chasing excellence has been more fun than the process has been tedious. We strive to best our interests and take on new challenges to test our growth from time to time while inculcating essentials for collective benefit and constructive development around us. The world of business never ceases to surprise, we try our best to stay apace and practice what we preach.

Reach out to us anytime.


In this series, we elucidate upon numerous happenings in the field of business practices. A fast-changing and unstable world, it is rife with evolution and news worth analysing, which is what we will do under this series of articles. Drawing parallels, critical analysis, and constructive takes on crucial occurrences will make this a full experience for the reader.


The indulging and intriguing web of concepts they call economics is dissected here and made incredibly fun to understand and imbibe. An exercise in articulate understanding of the essence of economics’ core concepts, this will inculcate the crux of the idea thoroughly without being boring. Numerous articles will venture across the crux of everything that comprises the soul of economics and bring it to you right here.


The modern world is advancing rapidly and the world of business is following suit. To help you keep track of the evolving trends in these aspects, we bring you this exclusive series that ensures you don’t fall behind as business moves on. With articles on what gives in this exclusive dimension, we will keep you posted with the essentials.

