10 things that will help you start working

Karimova Elmira
3 min readDec 6, 2015


All of us want to start something, somebody just start doing it, while others can’t start. In oreder to start working when you don’t want to you should better learn about self-motivation and inspire yourself. People who knows how to do it much more successful in the life than those who doesn’t. In this post I will tell you about 10 things that I learned during the time I read the book and with it started my way to succes. These things helped me to start doing something. The start is the hardest step, as I think.

  1. Identify what YOU want. You, not your parent, friends, etc. And as we talked earlier you should clearly know what you want, what is your goal and reaching point is.
  2. Imagine that you already reached your goal. Imagine how happy you will be, what you will do when we achived you desire. But also you should imagine you way of reaching success.
  3. Do something that you have never done before. It always easier to do something that you’ve already did, however it won’t help you much in reaching some big goals. So try to do something totally new for you. Only because of some new knowledge, new information, new experience and ne actions you will be able to expand your possibilities.
  4. Point your attention on things that helps you, not on your mistakes. If you did some mistakes, analyze its reasons and then forget about it. Your attention should be pointed on what you do right, on things that really works. Because only these kind of skills will help you to reach success in the future.
  5. Don’t envy! Never ever envy someone else’s success. Make it a habit to be really happy for others.

Communicate with them, be friends with them, be interested in their life experiences. Be pleased for thier success like for your own.

6. Learn everything that might be helpful in your way to success. Use any opportunity. Learn any positive experience you heard about. Search for different effective ways of reaching your goal.

7. Don’t give up when you face difficulties. Any difficulties make us closer to our goals. As states the famous song “What doen’t kill you makes you stronger”. All difficulties give us new chances and new experience. Any difficulties are the new ways to your success.

8. Don’t blame others if your plans didn’t come true. You are the only one who make decisions. Other people, friends, relatives, etc, can only give you advices, or ask you for something, but you are the only one who makes decisions, only you decide either to follow their advices or not. You are the only one who responsible for your actions. As samurais say: “When you decided something never turn back or regret, because you are the one who chose this way and you are the one who have to take responsibility for it”.

9. Leave time for yourself everyday. Give yourself a gift as a free time only for your needs and wants.

10. Be patient for other people and make friends, that are ready to help you any time. Be friends with people, who are interesting for you, who reached something in their life, who can teach you something new, who can motivate you to reach your goals. Be honest with them and don’t afraid to help them either.

These are the things that can help you to start your way to success that I learned during 15 weeks I read Davis Allen’s book.

Hoped you took something useful for yourself))

