Dishonesty in relationship / Should you be always truthful?

Balapanov (:
2 min readDec 5, 2015


In any kind of relationship we look for honesty, understanding, loyalty, thoughtful partners and many more. Everybody has different expectations and we differ in how we build our relationship depending our past experiences. In my opinion, i have high regard with people who can tell me the wrong actions he/she committed and had the conviction to correct it. I had past relationships that drifted apart because of dishonesty.

Firstly, Nobody is perfect, i know. Our loved ones and friends commit mistakes. But i deem it important that even if you did something wrong, you have to tell me the truth. I will feel more bad if i hear that to other people. I can deal with it head on because this will help me know the status of the relationship. Not just that, i will know where i stand and never assume for things to work out anymore.

Secondly, when you tell the truth, you don’t prolong the agony of the individual or your partner. For example, in a boyfiend-girfriend relationship, When the other find someone new and fell in love with person. He/She must tell his/her partner. This will liberate both of you in the agonizing situation. This can be each others’ turning point to start a new life. To be able to deal with the pain and cope the situation. The same with friendship. You don’t make your friend guess why you are avoiding him/her and you don’t want to talk to her. You need to tell her the reasons. That way you can confront the problem and settle it.

Finally, a strong relationship is build with trust, love and honesty. No past experiences, so abhorrent, cannot be understood or accepted by your friends, love ones and partners that you truthfully tell them from the start. They might even help you overcome those negative events. This will make you and your partner or friends become closer to each other.

Therefore, for me honesty is the most important consideration in every relationship.

