Get closer to your goals

Kha Artyom
3 min readDec 4, 2015


All you need is in your hands , but always something keeps you away from these goals

So, what keeps you away from your goals?

1. Fear of dreaming

When was the last time you were audacious enough to picture yourself on the top of the world? Did you already hear the voice in your head: “Get real, hard work is what gets you to success, not dreaming. Successful people are born different.”

How can we get to success if we don’t know what success means for us?

If we don’t dream, we don’t get to know what we really want in life, what turns us on inside. And yet, every single thing in this world first came to life in thought and then in reality.

Do you know how you want to live, what kind of person you want to be, what do you want to be remembered by? Where does writing fit in? Find that out and the desire to write will outgrow the fear of writing.

2. Perfectionism

You know what you want to write about and how, and you know it too well. The bar you set is so high that you’ve practically condemned yourself to failure. There is no way you can get this right. No way you can write as good as your favorite authors and that is why you won’t even try.

Yes, you heard that nobody is perfect, but still you believe that this world expects nothing less than perfection from you. Remember, the best writers made themselves who they are by everyday practice, by hours of writing and reading every single day. They threw away tons of words and sentences they were ashamed of. So go, throw away some sentences.

3. Fear of failure

Because you are not perfect, you will fail, and you will be ridiculed for it. The whole Internet will be talking about how stupid, uninspiring and boring your writing is. Think about that scenario. Nice traffic flowing your way, at least. Or worse, you will be completely ignored. Well, how bad is that? At least no ridicule and you can try again.

Is picturing the worst outcome more legitimate than picturing the best outcome? What do you want to spend your energy on?

4. Fear of success

You succeeded, you moved and inspired a bunch of people, your writing brings value after all. You are on your way to your dreams coming true. What will you have to give up for it? Who will leave you because of it? Who will understand the new you? Who will you share this new life with?

Imagine yourself succeeding. Try getting answers to these questions; it will help you spot some limiting beliefs and perhaps some people who hold you down

After reading , and understanding it you can destroy your barriers which do not give you to achieve you goals 😉

Have a nice day my follower 😘😘

