Hello everyone!

Katarina Yusufova
Business Communications
2 min readSep 24, 2015

My name is Katarina. I’m 18 years old KBTU student from Almaty, Kazakhstan.

This year I’m taking Business Communication class so this is the reason why I started my blog. During one of our lessons we’ve taken personal leadership test. The point was to understand and define out weaknesses and strengths. Having attentively read students’ assessments our teacher Stephen recommended each of us a book that would be very useful to improve our weaknesses. When I first found my book in a list I was kind of disappointed because I was sure that my book would be Carnegie’s “How to win friends and influence people”(I always wanted to start reading this book and have heard loots of great things about it) but mine was “Getting things done” by David Allen. Fortunately when I started to look through online-reviews I became soo excited because everyone is sharing their positive experience of how advices from this book found a place in their lives and saying that “Getting things done” is likely to be the best guideline for those who wants a lot but doesn’t want to do much for it(like I am:)). Later have analyzed what’s wrong with me and why I usually don’t finish things I understood that Stephen looked deeper than I did and found out that is exactly the book I vitally need.

During the next 3 months I will describe step-by-step process of my transformation from pretty lazy one to the strong, concentrated and responsible. So let’s start my journey to the final point when I am a person that do and finish everything that is planned and get things done!



Katarina Yusufova
Business Communications

18 years old KBTU student🎓from Almaty🍎,Kazakhstan🇰🇿