Lifehack: how not to forget things at home!

Katarina Yusufova
Business Communications
3 min readNov 24, 2015

Hi guys !

How are you doing ? I hope really well!;)

Today I’m going to share with you one of the most useful tips I’ve found in my #GettingThingsDone book!

How often do you afraid to forget things at home ? How often do you actually do?

I think that all of us know that feeling when you are on your way to school/work/university and you realize that you have forgotten something what you NEED at home and there is no way to turn back. Sad story, yes? Such things happened with me not so seldom, as wish they did. Everyone at the evening I put my stuff somewhere I thought I have to notice it at the morning and successfully tend to forget it the day after.

My advice is:

Put everything right near the door and when you will leave home you will never forget all the important things at home !

When I was reading my book, I saw this advice and thought that hmmm, why does it have to work? Sometimes, I was really lazy, for example when I was already in my bed and remembered that I need to take something with me tomorrow. I didn’t want to get up and go to put this things near the door so as you may understood I left all this things at home happily. At such a mornings I am like ..

But after one time when I have left one VERY important paper at home and had to cross all the city to take it, I got to the point that it is high time to start using this piece of advise !

And you know what? It really works !

That is the photo how I didn’t forget my TSIS paper yesterday when my bag was too small to put papers in there:)

I just advice you guys to try and to finish with forgetting things right now!

Hope you enjoyed this small tip:)

Xoxo, Katarina

P.S.just as always an inspirational quote from mee



Katarina Yusufova
Business Communications

18 years old KBTU student🎓from Almaty🍎,Kazakhstan🇰🇿