Make friends with your brain! :)

Katarina Yusufova
Business Communications
4 min readNov 8, 2015

Hey guys!

How are you doing? I hope really well, but I am sure that after news that I have for you you will be doing much better!

You know who is the most brilliant and creative planner in the world? Do you dream to make friends with him?

Hmm, I don’t really think that you need to make some efforts for it because I have a brilliant news for youu: you are already familiar with him, because it is your BRAIN! Yes! Brain- is actually a planning machine! Working 24/7! Helping you every day! Talking with you every day! Pushing you every day!

After recognizing that my brain does such a greeat job for me, I feel like I am too stupid to make friends with him, because it looks like you help your little brother in doing home works, spend all evening with it and the day after he comes home and shows you his unsatisfactory grade! Hard to make parallels? I can help: didn’t you notice that your brain does so much for you and doesn’t get any feedback? Even if you don’t, I dare you to think on it right now until being lazy is not a habit :)

May be in a daily routine we don’t notice, but every minute of our life we have a chance do to things that are stored in our brain for hours, days, years, but we don’t do it, preferring clutter up our brain with all this useless stuff that can be completed in a few mins , all we need is to have a desire to do this or that task!

My dear coursemates, right now I offer you a free and professional (haha:)) piece of advice that can help you to start writing your blog, because I guess…IT’S HIGH TIME TO START!

For more, this technique helped me in starting my blog and in #GettingThingsDone !

Your mind goes through five steps to accomplish virtually any task: 1 | Defining purpose and principles

2 | Outcome visioning

3 | Brainstorming

4 | Organizing

5 | Identifying next actions

Let’s consider this example in practise:

So, you seat on a sofa, it is already 12th week of the semester, finals are coming..yeah. Everyone hates finals! But then you remember that you have one pretty easy final comparing to others — writing your blog! You remembered, that you had 10 weeks before to start writing and now your brain starts brokenly search for some ideas HOW to write at least TWENTY post in a THREE weeks to have at least GOOD grade? And now that’s what you and your brain do in a collusion:

  1. Definining purpose and principles.

Your purpose is to have a good grade and to perform more successful, than your course mates.

2. Outcome visioning.

Your best outcome is to find out that there is nothing to worry about because at the end of the semester you have everything done, you final is done and you have a good grade.

3.Brainstorming. you start to search for some ideas how to do it: may beyou need to open a Dropbox and to find your book, may be you need to start reading, may be you need to remember where you stopped and keep on writing down your post. there are any of ways to go, you will make sure.


Now, right now you are saying to yourself that you cancel all your useless games and plans and start doing your business! Wait, I said now, not 2 hours later, when your serial will finish :)

And he last step: 5. Identifying next actions

After deciding that you have to do it now, you just STAND UP, TAKE YOUR PC(whatever the gadget it is) , OPEN YOUR BOOK and START!

So easy, isn’t it?

After you have completed these steps you are just…awesome!

And genious!

And awesome again!:)

What can be better than knowing that you’ve completed everything what you planned for today and that now you can honestly say yourself that you can do whatever you want because you did a really great job! As for me, that is the best motivation ever! Don’t you think so?

You are welcome!

Look forward reading your posts, my dears!

XOXO, Katarina



Katarina Yusufova
Business Communications

18 years old KBTU student🎓from Almaty🍎,Kazakhstan🇰🇿