1 min readDec 6, 2015

So, to sum up all things which I read from Carnegie’s book I take many advices which will help me in my life, when I will be a public speaker for example, or to increase my confidence at all.

At the same time some of these advices I already used before, but unfortunately I haven’t any photos or videos where you can see how I use it in my public speaking. But I want to say, that it was a big problem for me to speak in a public and I always shying. After this book I changed. For example, In Marketing lesson we had a project which we must to tell at the end of the semester. So me and my friends were the first team which tell about the problem. Our term was a Google company and we tell for our group mates all about this theme. So using all advices from this book I good prepared for my speaking and talk without any shying and worrying.

Finally I hope that these all advices will help me in the future and I try to use it for improving my skills.