Talk About Your Own Mistakes

Balapanov (:
1 min readDec 5, 2015


Carnegie points to the differences in people’s station in life and experience. This difference affects judgment, wisdom, and actions. Those more senior in experience and life should offer the benefit of their wisdom to those junior rather than correcting and/or scolding those junior. Carnegie suggests using your own mistakes as learning pegs. He offers some phrases that may help. For example, “You know, I have made many mistakes in my past and you have not had the fortune of my experience. Let me share one my learning experiences with you.”

Carnegie urges people to humble themselves and praise others sincerely. Doing this can turn a haughty, insulted foe into an ally. Rightfully employed, a few humbling and praiseful sentences can work miracles in human relations. Admitting mistakes, even when uncorrected, can aide in convincing another to correct their behavior.

A maturing leader always follows this principle.

