“Team work or how to be in good relationship with other people”

Kha Artyom
2 min readDec 6, 2015


Hello my dear follower 🖖🏻 I hope that everything is okay 😉

Today we gonna discuss this topic , because it plays important role in our daily routine . I hope that after reading this article you will use this advices in public😅.

To work with people you need to be a good communicator , sometimes you need to be more flexible 😇, sometimes you need to be more aggressive😈

1. Become A Clear Communicator:

“Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after.”

When you leave little room for misunderstanding, most things simplify. That’s the beauty of clear communication😬

Don’t worry😉: If you want to become a better communicator, you don’t even have to publish anything — but if you want to become a better communicator you need to practice. You don’t even have to write original content , you need to try to understand others more deeply 😉

If I had to boil down what makes a good communicator in a couple of words here what I’d say:

Find your voice — it should be similar to how you talk to a close friend.

When in doubt, end the sentence. Clear communication is concise.

2.Develop your skill

People “tell” what they’re good at 💪🏻because it allows them to vague enough to explain how they’re good at something without giving any tangible examples.🙌🏿

You need do develop your skill for showing how you can do it💪🏻 . When you start to show you skill other people will extend to you☝🏻️.

Do yourself a favor and get in the habit of showing, not telling. Develop tangible, valuable skills and you’ll attract other great people to startup your company with.

Try to use this advices from this day , not from tomorrow

Have a nice day my dear follower😘😘

