The 2 minute rule: yes, YOU CAN make your life easier!

Katarina Yusufova
Business Communications
3 min readNov 25, 2015

Hello everyone! Hope you are having a good day dears :*

My topic for today is pretty simple , but needs deep understanding not less than other tips and advices I’ve learnt form my #GettingThingsDone book! Have you ever heard about 2 minutes rule? If not , I am here to teach you! If yes, you still are not allowed to stop reading my post right here!;)

Week before, one evening while looking through my to do list , I realized that I have a lot to do TODAY , but the day was about to finish few hours after. Looking at this list with many of items I was thinking how not to let down the system and finish everything what I planned for today …today , haha:) Some time after I decided that doing is better than sitting and got done the first thing -to call my boss to detail whether or not meeting is delayed. It took for me less than 2 minutes actually. Then I go on doing my things — asked, if we had math home work for tomorrow , ironed my t-shirt for working out , put the book in my bag not to forget it tomorrow etc. And you know what? You may don’t know but you can clearly see that all this actions didn’t last more than 2 mins ! Can you realize? I postponed ding all this because I thought that it will take too long to do it now but that was a huge mistake.

So the key is:

After you understand that it is a heavy burden to delay everything all the time and start using this rule, you life gets much easier , just try! I’m using it more than a week and I am already happy with my results and a spare time, that I received as a pretty bonus to the fact that I don’t have dozen of things to do at the end of the day!

Let yourself run your day!

Xoxo, Katarina



Katarina Yusufova
Business Communications

18 years old KBTU student🎓from Almaty🍎,Kazakhstan🇰🇿