The first 20 hours - how to learn anything | Josh Kaufman |

Ibragim Minel
2 min readDec 6, 2015


Two weeks ago I got the task watch TED Talks video about how learn something new for yourself. And now I want to share with you a secret.

At the beginning of Josh’s performance he told about his child and how it perfect to be a parent. But you also think that you always don’t have time to do anything. So he has read many books about time management and how to asquire new skills. One of them was “10.000 hours rule” written by M.Gladwell. An author wrote that if you want to develop new skills, you need 10.000 hours. Kaufman thinks that it isn’t true and he started his own reasearch!

“We don’t care about time, we care about how good we are”

After his studying he concluded that 20 hours is enough to learn for example new language, draw, cook etc. You just have to study 45 minutes every day during 1 month and you will be able to achieve goals. Think guys, only 45 minutes :)

What about me? I wanted to learn English better, and I every day during 2 weeks I learn 5 new words per day, watch movies in english and read articles in english too.

I have many screens of rules/words/modal verbs in English on my mobile phone!


4 steps to learn anything:

  1. Divide case into small pieces
  2. Learn enough to self-correct
  3. Remove practice barriers, exclude internet, mobile phones, TV.
  4. Practice, practice and again practice!!!!

“The major barrier to skill acquisition isn’ intellectual,it’s emotional”

My advice for you: DON’T scare start something new, don’t scare fails, it’s normal, just be more organized and TRY please, believe in yourself ❤

