Try to be more creative

Kha Artyom
2 min readDec 6, 2015


Hello my dear follower 🖖🏻 today as before we will discuss something new , which help us to be a organized people 😏

Lets begin ☺️

This is it. You’ve whiteboarded a million ideas, held countless brainstorming sessions, and you’re up to your ears in Post-it notes. Now comes the hard part. It’s time to create.

I do a lot of work with creatives. But most projects don’t feel very creative. They feeldaunting. There’s so much work to do and such little time to do it. The biggest struggle, it seems, is gaining traction.

So many ideas, so little action

I’ve learned some tricks for helping creatives (including myself) be more productive, which is one of the essential struggles every creative person faces.

“The hardest part in working with a creative [is] to provide enough structure to help and challenge while not inhibiting, discouraging or placating. Helping a creative to share ownership or give up ownership is a challenge.”

— Rich Kirkpatrick

You need a system

I would be remiss if I didn’t say that you needed a system for getting things done. This is especially difficult for creatives. We don’t like to color inside the lines. We don’t like systems and predictability. We like innovation and spontaneity.

But unfortunately, without some kind of structure, we’re doomed to become prey to the Resistance and not ship. We need to realize what is at stake here: If you don’t produce, the world doesn’t see beautiful things.

And so, we must come to grips with a hard truth:

“I am unmanageable, avoidant, and lazy. So I need a strong system around me or everything fails.”

– Julien Smith

You need to get things done. Being creative is simply not enough. You have to create. This is your chance to make something incredible.

Every minute counts. You can never regain the time you lose. What will you do? Will you harness your creativity and turn it into productive activity, or let the moment pass?

