What preparation really is?!

Gulnur Zaripova
3 min readNov 22, 2015


In order to speak with confidence and courage it is essential to prepare your talk and do some practises.

What topics ought you to speak on practise?The answer is anything that interests you.Just take one or two angles of a subject and attempt to cover them adequately. You will have time to think it over in odd moments.Think of it while you are bathing,cooking,while you waiting for elevators,even you do something and don’t have time to think about that.Discuss it with your friends.Make it a topic of conversation.A speech can’t be cooked to order like steak.A speech must grow.

Let us suppose,that you have decided to speak on your business or profession.How shall you set about preparing such a talk?You already have a wealth of materials on that subject.Your problem,then,will be to select and arrange it. You should make your talk a regular layer cake of illustrations and general statement.

Assemble a hundred thoughts,and discard ninety!

It will be all the better if this process can go on for a long time.If people can hold a certain truth in his mind for a month,for six month ,perhaps,before you preach on it they will find new ideas,until it shows an abundant growth.

I imagined that I am going to speak in public next month about one article that was written in magazine. I read and I started to think about that.Yet,for all that I have something gotten out of bed in the middle night to put down the thoughts which come to me,for fear I might forget them before morning. I started to write down all the associated ideas which now occur to me. Put them down,preferably on scraps of paper,backs of old letters, fragments of envelopes, waste paper,anything which comes to my hand. This is much better every way than to use nice ,long ,clean sheets of foolscrap.I find it easier to arrange and organize those loose bits when you come to set your material in order.I realized the importance of knowing everything possible about my article.For that I started to ask questions to my friends by making an conversation and obtaining interesting things related to that.I fully understand that having more practises and broadening my thoughts will lead to speech success and satisfaction.

Also,some people ,in speaking of their business,commit the unforgivable error of talking only of the features that interest them.It is advisable to discover what others have thoughts,what others have said on the same subject.Think of the audience’s wants,their wishes.

All of them are the methods which causes the mind to grow in real productive power!!!

