
The Greatest Sales Weapon? Could Be The Kindle!

Re-Kindle Your Love of Sales Toys

Don The Idea Guy
Business Creativity
2 min readOct 25, 2013


Last week Amazon quietly launched a new service for Kindle tablets called Whispercast and with the cost of a new 7” Kindle Fire HDX starting at just $229 it has the potential to solidify the e-reader as a viable (and economical) business tool for your entire Sales team.

How many times has a member of your Sales team sold a package that had been revised, or a product already sold by another rep?

How many times could they have made a sale of some package that would have been perfect for the client if the salesperson had a copy of it in their binder?

It’s physically impossible to carry a hard copy of every sales package, and trying to get your team to keep the copies of the packages up to date on their laptops is like trying to bail water out of a sinking rowboat with a thimble.

Assign a company-issued Kindle to each member of your Sales team and you’ll see a savings in both the time and expense involved in keeping the newest and most updated documents in their hands (and in front of the customer) as well as initiating a distinct “wow-factor”.

Register for a free account at and you’ll be able to distribute content to members of your team based on their role, department, or team. You have control over registering (and deregistering) devices into your group and password-protect individual accounts.

Kindle Fire and Amazon Whispercast are great ways to organize your team and make certain everyone is on the same page (e-page or otherwise), while demonstrating to your clients (and competitors) you know how to use technology to your advantage.

And hey, it’s not gonna hurt anybody if your team happens to use the Kindle to read an extra book or two!

Don The Idea Guy has creative powers beyond those of mere mortals and is a Gitomer Certified Speaker. If you’d like to have The Idea Guy speak at a conference or event, or create a custom webinar for you and your sales team, just connect with him at

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Don The Idea Guy
Business Creativity

Don The Idea Guy has creative powers beyond those of mere mortals...