Upskill — Do people really understand the meaning?

Business, Entrepreneurs, Consulting
1 min readMay 20, 2015

In order to fuel our rapid expansion, I have been involved in a lot of interviews in the recent past.

Over the past year or so when Retail was in the dumps, so to speak, there were a lot of people who were on the look out for jobs and ready to compromise on salaries, designation, area of expertise. Some of them had been without a job for a couple of months.

Whilst doing this, glancing through the resumes, talking to the candidates, many of them had ‘Skills’ mentioned on their resume or would say that I Upskilled my self during the past 3 months, which got me thinking to ask the question — Do people really understand the meaning?

Most describe ‘knowledge of computers’; ‘knowledge of tally’ as a skill.

Upskill meant ‘learning internet’; attending ‘seminar’ amongst others.

So I started asking “What do you know in Tally?” — Data entry “What do you know in computers?” — Email “How did you upskill?” — attended so & so lecture

After wading through hundreds of them, I can conclude NO, people do not understand the meaning of Upskill.

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Originally published at on June 18, 2010.



Business, Entrepreneurs, Consulting

Been there. Done that. People watcher. Mindcaster. Appreciates single malt, food. Now Entrepreneur by choice. Employee by attitude.