Can you be a successful entrepreneur? What stars hold for you

Business Fox
Published in
5 min readDec 11, 2020

Do you believe in fate? Some people may say that this is an absolute bullshit but others believe that God or the Universe or whatever you believe in holds something special for all of us. Some people believe that each of us has our own mission in this life which was determined by the day we were born. And we agree with that.

Image by LNTH from Pixabay

It is called astrology. Every single one of us has so called “Natal Birth Chart” which is a snapshot of the sky at the moment you were born. Your natal chart gives clues to your major life lessons, shows your destiny, reveals your personality traits and hidden desires, as well as points the way to your soul’s purpose. It is not just a basic horoscope reading which is too general to describe all of us.

For example, if you were born as a Capricorn it does not mean that you and your business partner who is also a Capricorn are the same. You two can be completely different people despite that you share the same zodiac sign. Astrology is much more complicated than that. It has a lot of different aspects, placements and combinations which are the reason that you and your colleague who was born the day before you are nothing alike. So, in this article we will discuss what specific astrological placements indicate that you have a potential to be a successful entrepreneur.

Photo by Brett Ritchie on Unsplash

Note* If you do not know your exact natal chart yet, you can go to or download the “Astro Future” app and fill in your details (exact birth time is mandatory in order to know specific and correct information about your true self)

Quick Disclaimer

Actually, there is no specific astrological placement or combination which could tell you that you were born to be an entrepreneur or a business man. It is personality traits which are responsible for your success at one or another area. So, astrology can help you identify which character traits are natural to you and can make you successful.


Talking about business in astrology all attention will be focused around four specific houses: 3rd house, 7th house, 10th house and 11th house. It is a good sign if you want to be a business man and have a concentration of planets in this area of your natal chart.

Photo by Alex Andrews from Pexels

3rd house is responsible for communication, networking, media, advertising, sales. If you have a strong 3rdhouse it is a lot of chances that your business might be related to media industry, YouTube, Instagram and other social media channels. Also, this house is the house of initiatives and courage. It gives you that fighting spirit which is required to overcome obstacles.

7th house is responsible for business partnerships, your relationship with other people, collaborations. 7thhouse is the main house for business. So, you are really lucky if you have some planets here.

10th house is responsible for public image, recognition, honors, reputation, career, fame. 10th house is that house which bring you status. 10th house is the main house of career. This increases self-confidence and independence of the person which is very much necessary for going into business. This also makes a person very much self-centered and careerist. Such person wants to take independent decision. So, chances of going for business increases with this astrological combination.

11th house is responsible for your goals and incoming financial gain or success. For getting success in any work, job or business, you need the blessing of 11th house. When multiple planets are strongly placed in 11th house, it is one of the significant astrological combinations for business.


But it is not just houses which are important in astrology. The planets and their placements can say a lot too. The most important planets talking about business are Mars, Mercury and Saturn.

Image by Comfreak from Pixabay

Saturn is the planet of discipline, endurance, long-term things.

Mars is the planet of motivation, passion, persistence, enthusiasm and action. Its placement in your birth chart which indicates how you pursue your goals, assert yourself. It also points to the way you weaponize your skills for protection and competition.

Mercury is the planet of logic, thinking, savviness and communication. Also, it is the main planet signifying skills, tact, intellect, trade and dealing, which are a must for taking up any business.


Also, there are a few combinations in a person’s natal chart which can indicate a success in the business field:

Image by Devanath from Pixabay

· Capricorn placements because it represents bossiness, ambitiousness and discipline

· Aries placements which represents passion, motivation, leadership, competitiveness

· Pluto, Mars or Mercury in the 1st house

· Mars in Aries or Capricorn

· Mercury, Moon or Sun in Aries

Pluto in the 6th house shows that a person does not like to work for other people. Also, Pluto square (red line in the natal chart) or trine (blue line in the natal chart) Sun or Moon gives person some power and domination.

Of course, these are not the only things that represents your success as a business man or an entrepreneur. There are a lot of other placements and combinations which can make a huge difference too. In this article we have mentioned just the most popular ones so do not take it too seriously. If you do not have any of these placements you can still be a powerful authority in the business world and probably you have some other super strong astrological combinations. One way or another it is written in your natal chart because the stars decided like that the day you were born. And yes, we believe in fate but we also believe that you can change it.



Business Fox

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