How is business adapting to a pandemic?

Business Fox
Published in
3 min readDec 16, 2020

Nowadays when the world is suffering from the effects of a pandemic, everyone is looking for a way to stay in business. Of course, most businesses close, but that is the selection, they remain the strongest as in nature — those who adapt to changes survive. It is so hard to be unique in this modern world. It is the opportunity to evolve and get out of the resulting chaos stronger than others.

New opportunities

Review and adjust market bids. It is likely that what was needed yesterday is no longer needed today. Evaluate how the importance of your products and services has changed in the new business environment. Optimize your range and resources. Solve product availability issues. If the pandemic means you can not sell your goods at traditional retail, look for ways to quickly shift sales to e-commerce. Do not wait for the quarantine to be ended. Right now, new consumer habits are forming — online shopping. Newly formed habits will not disappear after quarantine. This is not only a new business reality but also an opportunity for effective changes.

Ingenious family business

To be innovative nowadays is a hard step for everyone, but I always love to read success stories and to share them with others. One family in Lithuania started their family business just this year. They did not take much time for the business to succeed. What kind of business it is? It is a family e-shop. They are selling a lot of stuff from children's toys, clothes, medicines, tools for eating to mother's skincare, makeup, home decorations and etc… The family grows triplets and, as their mother said, wanted to give them everything they could so she started to be an influencer. She was filming her days spending with three little babies. Of course, trademarks have noticed it and have begun to cooperate and that she advertise their products. She was advertising only well-selected products that were tested by their family. Triplets know had everything they are needed, but parents started to think about their own business. So the idea of the shop is to offer the best and most proven products in one place. So, all the products she was influencing know is in one place their family shop: SIMITRI In this fact, people do not need to shop in a separate shop for products, they paid only once and get everything their need. I just love this family, how they made this business. Why? Because it is great how they have incorporated many companies into their business that are helping them survive the pandemic period, as they advertise the products of other companies by advertising in their family store. They do not create anything of their own, they just resell and that’s amazing because it helps sustain the economy. In addition, this woman has a large audience of followers and that is the success of their business. During the pandemic time, their sales have grown significantly and they have even won an award as the best family business in Lithuania.



Business Fox

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