Pandemic interference with small businesses. How to stay optimistic and creative through these dark times?

Business Fox
Published in
4 min readDec 6, 2020

For most people 2020 wasn’t exactly the easiest year considering the “Covid-19” pandemic. Many of us had to shut our home doors and start working from home. It’s great if you can do it, but how to act if you have your own business, such as shops, restaurants, cafes, etc. These kinds of business had maybe the worst days in their life. So how to be optimistic and creative to find a way to get out of this situation without any or minimal losses.


It is known that being an entrepreneur requires some thick skin. Worrying and stressing out is a daily occurrence in a business owner’s life. According to the July MetLife and U.S. Chamber of Commerce Small Business Coronavirus Impact Poll about 70% of small businesses are concerned about financial hardships due to prolonged closures and 58% worry about having to permanently close. Not just owners are trying to find a way to stay up and running during this challenging time — even government is trying to come up with ways to help. For instance, French government promises to invest tens of billions euros just to help local business from closing their stores. Latvian government as well has introduced a billion-euro fund to rescue the country’s businesses. No matter the help that governments are providing still it is unavoidable that some businesses will have to go under.


Reading stories about how business found a great way to succeed is always refreshing and inspiring. I would like to share one as well, this one took place in Lithuania. During pandemic all restaurants had a lot of injunctions, such as ensuring safe distance between tables and people, wearing mask until the meal is on the table and so on… Indeed, it was hard to attract people to dine inside the restaurants since most of them were afraid of contracting the virus and instead chose to stay at home, saving money in the mean time. But this one restaurant that caught my eye was working successfully! Interestingly how? Apparently local people wanted to save it, so they came up with an idea and shared it with the owners. All neighbors decided to visit this restaurant for lunch everyday, they even designated a schedule and each day different family was coming to have lunch. There wasn’t neither a day with a free table, nor a day the restaurant closed, all because the whole community came together sine the whole family works in the restaurant — grandparents, parents and grandchildren + hired staff. Didn’t even need to fire anyone! Besides, prices were incredibly small! Just 7 Euros for a delicious lunch of the day with wine and desserts. Of course, before the pandemic prices were triple the amount it was during these hardships, but that’s just neighbors agreement. Nevertheless, the restaurant has reached its peak hours with the most visitors this restaurant has ever seen. All in all, it’s great to have support from the surrounding environment and not to give in to a pandemic, but to look for an alternative choices.


  1. Do not try to predict the future. It’s important to hold back on predicting the future based on what has happened before. Remember that a failed plan doesn’t make you a failure and just because something disappointing has happened once or twice it doesn’t mean the history will repeat itself. So chin up and don’t let a few setbacks break your business savvy spirit!
  2. Surround yourself with positive people. Have you heard the saying “Show me your friends and I’ll tell you who you are”? Well it is kind of true. Spending time with negative people who sees the cup half empty in every situation will not bring you change. In order to keep feeling optimistic, you need to surround yourself with positive people who helps you to appreciate the good in all situations and of course life in general.
  3. Focus on solution rather than the problem. Pessimists usually focus on problems while optimists look for solutions. The situation may not feel great and it may not seem fair, but what happened has already happened whether you like it or not. Rather than reflecting on what could have been, set aside negative thoughts, get proactive and start planning where can you go from here.



Business Fox

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