Recovered real estate market

Business Fox
Published in
3 min readDec 13, 2020


The Covid-19 pandemic and extreme situation in the world encourage people to actively buy real estate. Experts noted that such records sales have not been seen for a long time. The number of transactions in October exceeded even the indicators of the intense summer season, when sales are highest.

Life changes

Real estate developers note that sales grew for several reasons. Today, many people work remotely, and this trend is already predicted to continue after the end of the pandemic. Meanwhile, student lessons take place, in part or in full at a distance studying so parents are no longer required to live permanently in the same place. The pandemic also led to the fact that people are unable to travel on holiday abroad, so they decided to by houses, cottages in villages, near the sea or in other wonderful places just to be out of city center.

Where to invest during the pandemic?

Acquiring real estate has long been one of the most popular and safest investments in the world. Of course, people have savings and during the pandemic lock down than they have to be 24 hours per day in a small flat they decided to buy their own vacation house and leave small flats for unlimited time. It is not clear where it would be safer to invest during the pandemic, but people found. One study says, that more and more customers do not use banking services and pay from their savings.

Fully redeemed

When quarantine still does not end, real estate live their best hours. Interesting fact, that Lithuanian people are actively looking for information about next years constructions and want to reserve it immediately. Most of them are looking for houses near the Baltic sea. It is likely that next year there will be projects in Palanga that will be sold out even before the star of construction. Because, all the houses now are in sold out and there is no opportunity to buy something in Lithuanian resort. Residents in the second home plan to allow a period of quarantine emergency, if possible with work and childrens education. For example, come to the seaside every other week.
Part of the clients buy housing as an investment — they immediately lease the purchased real estate. Sometimes they choose a changing option: both live on their own and rent.

The world is changing and people are discovering new places, beginning to realize that life is not just about the city and let’s go for the importance of fresh air, nature. The changing life brings a new color, than some jobs are closing and others are thriving at the time — such as real estate. It seems that it should be difficult for the society, because most people lose their jobs and have nothing to live on, but the numbers and rising sales show something completely different.



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